Jack Skellington Love Never Dies
Anyone else a Jack Skellington fan?? One my favorite Halloween films is the 1993 The Nightmare Before Christmas. Jack also known as the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town that tall slender skeleton dressed in his black and white pin-striped suit and a bow tie (you know that tie that looks like a bat?) He has a ghost dog named Zero for a pet, who has a small jack-o’-lantern for a nose. When I think of Jack, I of course think of his girl friend Sally. Remember a few years ago? Alice was dressed as Sally for Halloween. SEE??? We are major Jack and Sally fans!! SOOOOO excited to be sporting…
Spook-tacular Halloween Etsy Decor: Get Ready to Haunt Your Home #EtsyCreatorCo
Halloween is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to transform your space into a spooky wonderland. ONLY if you are new here do you not know that Halloween is MY FAVORITE time of the year. I have decorations that stay out 24/7. Well, mostly in my craftroom because DH isn’t as insane CREATIVE as I am. Looking for unique Halloween decor? I want to share what’s in my Etsy Shopping cart right now. I’m doing this for TWO reasons. First PERHAPS DH or ANYONE that would like to send these to ME! (YES! I am ALL about the subtle!!) Etsy is a treasure trove of creative, handcrafted…
It’s My Happiest Time Of Year!!
Halloween is by far one of my FAVORITE times of the year. I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!! So much so that even with NO kids at home. Living on a remote mountain top, with very little company (can I call the UPS driver company? I mean he is here A LOT! The HUSBAND has a shopping problem. Haaaa I made a funny!) As I was saying. I LOVE HALLOWEEN. No company, no kids, not a single trick-or-treater EVER, but I still take the time to decorate for Halloween. I drag all the decorations out. I start sorting…….. and start to put them out and… is that dust? Is that grime? AND…
Spirit Of Halloween MADE Me Do It!
I recently saw a funny saying on Instagram that said something to the effect of “Buy the stuff that makes YOUR estate sale INTERESTING!” Well, MY estate sale will have people going WTH!??! (I want you to take notice that I cleaned up my WT!!) I want people to point and shake their heads speechless. I ALSO want to be a ghost standing next to them just laughing my a*@ off. THANK YOU, Spirit Of Halloween. So, some of you may know about Mority. It’s been established that I have a few screws loose. I, at times, may have a slightly odd sense of humor…. so with that in mind…
Zombies: Eat Flesh * T-shirt
Zombies Eat Flesh is 2013 Halloween Buying Guide Pick! It’s time for a Zombie post!! My regular followers know I’m a Zombie lover. Zombie movie? I’m in. Zombie shirt? YES PLEASE!!! Funny Zombie shirt and I’m giddy! Check out this FUN t-shirt!! “Zombies: Eat Flesh” from Brain EatingTs. There are some of the BEST Zombie T’s EVER!!! At $14.97 it’s a Zombie perfect deal! Made Of This is a 100% pre-shrunk standard men’s t-shirt. It washes perfectly with no fading. It hasn’t lost it’s shape at all. You See It?? This t-shirt cracks me up. I immediately saw a resemblance to a certain sandwich shop and couldn’t stop laughing. DH?…
Happy Halloween!!
Miss Barbara I LOVE you!! Thank you for sharing this with me!! WATCH to the end!! TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!!!!!!! WATCH!!!!!!!!! You’ll love me for sharing!! (okay, Miss Barbara really…. but me too!) Where did my VIDEO GO!??!?! AND now I can’t remember what it was to replace it!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!