Blog Cabin at DIY Network
So I want you to see my new home. (Yea… I’m winning it… so don’t bother to go enter…. cause I’m movin’ in!!) Fine… if you do win I have dibs on the 2nd bedroom!
I’m cheating tonight…. I’m reposting from a blog called DinnersReady. But this is so dang funny I have to share!!!!! So……….. enjoy!! Today as I was cruisin’ around on the internet looking at recipes and fun things to make, I stumbled upon this ‘recipe.’ Made me laugh. You all know that I love a good recipe for the freezer but this one is just so…. so…. so wonderful. Ha ha ha! Ice 2 cups water (or more. or less.) Empty any ice cubes that are left in the trays. Take the trays over to the sink and fill them with cold water. Place the water filled ice trays back in the…
CDC Zombie Apocalypse preparedness 101!!
CDC Zombie Apocalypse offering: Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse. Everyone needs a Zombie plan!!! The concept of zombies, the CDC helpfully notes, has Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins and refers to “a corpse mysteriously reanimated to serve the undead.” But even though science can’t answer that gnawing question “Why do zombies like to eat brains so much?” there is much that everyday Americans can do to prepare themselves in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse. “That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for…
Amazing pumpkin carvings!
I have more Halloween stuff to share!! Artist Ray Villafane began carving pumpkins on a lark for his art students in a small rural school district in Michigan. The hobby changed his life as he gained a viral following online and unlocked his genuine love of sculpting. Here are images of pumpkin carvings Villafane created over the past five years. Now don’t these make you want to go carve a pumpkin?!?!? (no me either… who can compete?!?!)
Halloween idea’s
I love Halloween! I think it’s my very favorite holiday. So here are some cute decorating ideas with candy corn I took from Women’s Day. Candy Corn Craft Ideas At this time of year, it seems candy corn does grow on trees. Pick a few clean-looking branches from your yard and hot-glue kernels onto them in clumps of twos and threes in various spots, concentrating on the ends and the Vs where the twigs branch off. Wedge the trunk of the branch into a small Styrofoam or floral square (available at crafts stores) and rest it in the base of a vase. Fill the vase to the brim with corn…