COMET TV October Programming!! Including The Underground Horror Film Series!!

I love October!! Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin bread and of course:


Feel free to add an echo here….. cause that’s how I hear it in my head as I write.

I love Halloween!!!  So does Comet TV! (I knew I loved them for a reason!!) Check out this months line up of Halloween movies!! (Yes, I do have goosebumps!!)

horror movies from comet tv

COMET TV has some amazing programming this month, including the Underground Horror film series, with classic monsters, ghouls and more sure to give you enough scares for Halloween!

What about the cult classic Robocop trilogy!!  Seriously, who doesn’t love Robocop?!  “Thank you for your cooperation”

New this month is also Andromeda, the Kevin Sorbo series from Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. It airs weekdays.

Check out everything COMET TV has on our handy schedule!  I just went and looked…… POLTERGEIST!!!!!! Pandemonium!  And so many, many more!!


monster dog movie poster

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