Planes and Fat Clothes
WHINE alert! I hate flying. I hate flying. I HATE flying. I HATE FLYING WHEN NOTHING FITS!!! Not even my fat clothes!
I hate that I can NOT get rid of my 9-month belly. No, I’m not pregnant. I am just angry that I can’t lose the belly. It’s all Zachary’s fault. I KNOW he is 42 (Years, not months!) but STILL, I know it has to be his fault. I refuse to believe that it could be the peanut butter M&M’s and the Cheetos. I refuse.
MORE WHINING!!! I’m packing for the trip to California (Alice graduates from grade school into middle school. Celebrate her 11th birthday and then whisk her back home for Non-Camp 2022). NOTHING fits!! Ya know, when ya live on a mountain where I can schlep around in sweatpants and bagging flannels does not prepare you for the real world. Trips into town were easy, I’ve hidden under a down coat for the last 7 months.
I did do a pedicure though. So the Koala Toes are now ready to be seen.
What To Pack
I haven’t been on a plane in YEARS!!
Do we still have to have a ziplock with all liquid things? Shoes still come off? Do I need a Covid test? Ackkkkkkkkkkk.
Sandpoint Idaho
ALSO, I REALLY need prayers! I’ve been driving in Idaho where people are nice. The pace is SUPER slow! I’m going to San Diego area where there are SO MANY people. I am no longer that aggressive California driver. So, let’s make that three things. I hate to fly, I hate fat clothes and I hate to drive in California. I’m screwed.
This picture is the first stop light when you get into Sandpoint. See?? I have FUN traffic.
San Diego Traffic
I don’t have THIS traffic!
That was all. Really. I needed to whine. Hate flying. Packing is a nightmare. My shoulders are already tense thinking of driving the 5 and the 15. Ahhhhhhhhh crap.
I’m off to double check my packing list. What’s the ONE (or 10) things you always forget to pack?

gloria patterson
YEARS ago the company flew me to LA for 2 weeks to help out with computer work. They wanted me to rent a car I almost fell out of the chair laughing at them!!! They finally agreed to cabs, there was no way I was going to drive there.
They are not called fat clothes!!! They are called comfortable clothes and don’t you let anyone tell you different.
I sure you have a good flight both ways. Me when I sit down in a plane I just close my eyes and sleep most of the way.
Karen R
I get a little anxious before a flight. It is safer than driving. I would love to see my niece and her family in San Diego. I don’t think that will happen. I don’t forget anything. At least, I don’t remember forgetting anything. You have a great excuse to go shopping. Amazon has some cute dresses.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I packed mainly skirts. May as well work on a tan while I’m there right?
I think I have everything I need……… if not well, you are correct there is always SHOPPING!
Tamra Phelps
You could not pay me to drive in L.A. I’d be willing to pay someone else to drive me, lol. As for flying: Nope. I hate it too. I only fly if there is no other option and I am convinced my grip on the armrests is the only thing holding us up in the air!! And I always forget something VITAL, like medicine or underwear, lol.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I usually take a notebook and write frantically I HATE FLYING over and over until we are in the air. LOL Since I’m in the middle (UGH!) seat this time I think I will try your armrest trick instead.
Oh man do I hear your pain!!! I have had to drive in that LA. and San Diego traffic and it SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just remember one thing…. in Cali the motorcycles can legally share a lane with you on the freeway!!! I had forgotten about that during my last trip down there and I had a CHP officer sharing the lane with me while we were doing like 65 mph on the freeway – freaked me out! Enjoy your family and stay in the moment.
God – I hate it down there no thanks!!!! No seasons, no rain, no animals just crime!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Thank you for that reminder. UGH! I had totally forgotten that. I HATE when they lane share. UGH!!!
Sandra Watts
I would prefer the first photo of traffic any day!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love it when the moose just walk with the cars. It cracks me up every time.
At least when I return I will really appreciate my little town again.