Summer Fun With Outdoor Movies!!

Summer fun! Summer boredom busters Y’all know that I am trying to find things to do with 6-year-old Alice this summer. So the first thing we did was sit down and make a list of things we wanted to do. Then we cut all the ideas into strips and put them in a container. We have tons of things; going to the San Diego Zoo, LEGOLAND, San Diego Safari Park, movies, tons of pool and beach days. Several of our ideas have multiple strips.

I’ve mentioned before that I try everything I can to stretch out the activities so that I’m not pulling my hair out by 11am. First I let Alice sleep until she wakes up on her own. Some mornings it’s 9 or 9:30!! Then has to decide what’s for breakfast and help me fix it. Then clean up the kitchen. WOW now it’s what 10am?

We work on our school notebooks, math, writing and then she has to update her Bright Journal entry for the day. Then we pick a strip from the jar.

Today’s strip was ENJOY A LAZY DAY.

Summer Fun with a mini projectorWe had the BEST DAY too!! We laid in bed and watched movies on the ceiling. Say whaaaaaa??? Oh yeah! Wait till you see my new Multimedia Mini Projector!!!  OH MY GOSH!! First, when I say MINI I mean 1.71″ all the way around. Less than 2″ all the way around. As in smaller than the palm of my hand!

Next up this projector allows me to sync my Samsung Galaxy S8 phone, laptop, my iPad, a micro SD card or a USB cord!! This projector allows me  to sync with absolutely all of my electronics! You will need either the Miracast app or Airplay for Apple products. 

The mini projector will run for a little over 2 hours. I plugged into my power bank after that and we continued our movie marathon. The projector supports 5 Volt with 2A power supply.

The projector arrives with a small tripod that allows me to tilt and or rotate the camera so I can have a movie wherever I want!!!More to love! 

The projector light has a lifespan of 30,000 hours. WOW!!  The resolution is 640 by 480 and supports up to 1080P.


Even in the middle of the day the picture was clear!! At night the picture was even better!

This will be FANTASTIC camping trip this year! Movies on the side of the tent?! YES PLEASE!!

We truly can’t say enough great things about this projector! AMAZING!!! WE LOVE THIS PROJECTOR!!!!!

I do want to tell you that this projector does get hot after it’s been on for an hour or so. Now, not so hot that you can’t hold it; but it is hot. It has not made a difference in picture; no freezing up on the screen no real side effects that I have noticed yet. I’ll let you know if that changes in the future.



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