TRUE SOL 100% Pure Yacon Syrup GIVEAWAY!!

TrueSol Yacon SyrupWatching Dr. Oz quite a while ago, I learned about Yacon Syrup. While it’s used mostly as a natural sweetener. It also has many weight loss benefits!!  The syrup is made from the Yacon Plant a tuberous root from Bolivia, Brazil and Peru. Yacon is actually one of the most preferred natural sweeteners. It’s popular because it’s around 50% Fructooligosacharides. Which basically means it doesn’t raise your blood glucose levels. Being a family with a high occurrence of Diabetes, yacon syrup has become my only sweetener.

True Sol Pure Yacon Syrup is a thick amber color syrup. Looks a lot like molasses. I really, REALLY like the taste, it doesn’t have a molasses taste.  I haven’t used anything else for sweetener in my coffee, cereal or baking since my Yacon Syrup arrived. Yacon Syrup will be a staple in my kitchen from now on! True Sol’s raw yacon syrup has only 13 calories!!

Appetite Suppression Independent studies has proven that your appetite is diminished! The fructooligosaccharides can lower the hunger hormone ghrelin which reduces appetite.

When the fructooligosaccharides reach the large intestine, they feed the friendly bacteria in the digestive system. Then the magic happens!! We all know that friendly bacteria in the gut is so important for our health. With the right mix you lower your risk of diabetes, improved brain function and better immunity. I’m also very ‘regular’ now. That right there is impressive for me.

True Sol Yacon Syrup

Use Pure Yacon Syrup before daily meals, or as a sugar substitute in foods for cooking and baking. When taken daily, raw yacon syrup can assist in losing weight, increase metabolism and aid with detox cleansing of the digestive system. I add mine to my coffee everyday. I promise you, I am regular!

There are no additives in this product.

Dr. Oz even did a show about the benefits of Yacon Syrup.  40 women completed the test as required. 29 of them lost weight in some form. Fourteen of the women reportedly lost five pounds or more, with the average weight loss overall coming in at 2.9 pounds. There also was a 1.9-inch average waist size reduction.

Two thumbs enthusiastically UP!! WAY, WAY up!! For True Sol 100% Yacon Syrup. Available on Amazon for $22.95 and Amazon Prime eligible. One bottle lasts me approximately 20 days. To me True Sol Yacon Syrup is worth it’s weight in gold!!

One very lucky Peanut Butter and Whine follower will win their own bottle of True Sol Yacon syrup. Good LUCK!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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