Thank you!
I took the next step in weight loss today with the help of my ummmmmm “soooooo happy to help” daughter Selena. We sorted, we steamed, we grouped outfits and my “sooooooo wonderful helpful daughter” Selena took pictures of all of the items (all maybe 200? could be more… maybe) all to be sold on ebay. Selena had no idea just how much HELP she was offering. Did I mention she is SOOOOO sweet?! Sooooo helpful! Cheerful!! Ohhh and sooooo PRETTY!!! Thank you Selena!!! I love you!!! (I have to keep kissing up! We still have measuring and posting to do! Wait… Selena I ummmm mean “I” more than “WE” HONEST!!…
Ouch ouch ouch!
You should really THANK ME!! My first idea was to take a picture of the gnarly blister on my heel. A blister I can’t understand where it came from. The shoes aren’t new. The walk hasn’t changed! But MAN OH MAN this blister is big! AND OH SOOOOO PAINFUL!!! (Course on the up side, I get to sleep in tomorrow instead of walking!! Woooo HOOOOO!!!)
R U kiddin’ me?!??!
Okay sooooooo let’s say you are all relaxed from a full day of pampering………… the dumbest thing you can do is go sit in a warm car for your whole lunch hour …….. dozing on and off….. because IF you do!?!? THE REST of the DAY WILL NEVER END!!! EACH and EVERY hour took 4544 minutes!! I kid you NOT!! I thought this day would NEVER END!! Now that I’m home I’m getting a second wind?!?!? WHAT?!?! If I can’t sleep tonight I am going to be ONE UNHAPPY camper!!
When the oldest of your children turns 33 where is the best place to take her? Glen Ivy Day Spa Ahhhhhhhhhhh Glen Ivy is like a little slice of Heaven on earth!! Give her a massage, pedicure and facial. AND!!! I gave myself a gift too…. I mean I did give birth and all…sooo I got a body scrub and massage. AND, I did live thru the whole “age 13” fiasco….so a pedicure was 100% in order. Of course I sooo do NOT want to look old enough to HAVE said 33 year old child soooo I treated myself to a WONDERFUL brightening facial. WOW!! Amazing day!!! THANK YOU SELENA…
Happy Easter!
Work work work…
I hate yard work. Let’s just get that out of the way right now. BUT I love how the yard looks when it’s been mowed and edged, so I guess ya have to actually go outside and mow (MAN I wish Vista would let me have a goat!!). I had to share a picture of my bougainvilleas. Aren’t the SOOOO pretty!!?? ALMOST made the yard work worth it. ALMOST!! But thankfully the yard done! House done! Laundry done! My contribution to Easter Brunch done! HA!!!! Now NO ONE MOVE A MUSCLE!! I don’t want to have to clean again……. ever! : ) I know… good luck with that. But for…
Off track
Yup yup, weight is up again (not really bad, but still unacceptable!!)……… sooooooooo I joined WW and WW on line. Boy if you haven’t seen that site in a while (or ever!) you should go check it out with me! There are support blogs, points tracker, recipes and message boards. I just spent quite awhile over there this evening looking around, printing out recipes. I started in desserts and well, that’s where I stopped. But I have ten cake recipes printed! I also found out I’ve already eaten all my daily points and half of my weekly reserves. Hummmmmm not the best start!! So I’m going to bed cause if…
I got another TAT!!!
HA HA HA!!!! Happy April Fools Day! HA!!!