• The Boys

    My kids are both in the same state school and I feel like my husband and I are throwing away thousands of dollars a month just on rent for them. We’ve been talking about getting a house for them to live in together and they obviously think it’s the best idea ever but I sure wish we could find something I knew they weren’t going to tear apart! I know they both like to party and I’m worried they’ll turn it into a 24/7 party house but I guess this is the point where I have to learn to trust them. We’ve been looking into allhomeSECURITY.com alarms for the place since…

  • No Power

    We have no electricity today for 10 hours!!  TEN!!  Do you know how quiet my house is with no power??!?! VERY QUIET!!! I can hear my voice echo quiet!!  Not to mention my house is dark……… and soooooo VERY boring!!! 10 (TEN!) hours!?!?!?  Ummm no internet?!?!  And no matter how many times I tried that light switch down the hall that light still wasn’t comin’ on! All is better now.. power is back.. in time for me to go to bed.  Humphhhhhh

  • Opinion Outpost

    Opinion Outpost is accepting new survey takers!!  I usually cash my account out before Christmas. Last year I cashed out at $130.00!!   Not toooo bad at ALL!!   So if you like surveys I’d suggest trying Opinion Outpost!  

  • Baby Wipes!

    I made my own baby wipes today!!  SUPER EASY!!! SUPER CHEAP!!!   I really had never imagined that I could or would want to make my own wipes…. but I’m so excited how these came out!! Supplies: Empty liter bottle (optional, but makes it easy to mix) I used Baby Magic baby soap,   Natures Baby Organic oil and lotion. Natures Baby Organic’s smell soooo good. Both are so gentle and non irritating for baby Alice 1 roll of paper towels. I chose Viva because they are so soft. (Also a 3pk was $4.19 at Walmart) I Ziplock container (from who knows when!) Glad Press ‘n Seal (If you have never used this…

  • SyFy Saturday

    Some of you don’t know that I LOVE cheesy BAD SyFy movies.  Ohhhhhh today’s movies Mega Piranha and Mega Shark Vs.Crocosaurus had some GREAT moments that just drives home WHY I love the SyFy channel!!!  Mega Piranha has Tiffany and Greg Brady! (if you don’t know who these 2 are …. well…. I’m way older than you!!)If you can’t watch the whole trailer for Mega Piranha (HEY!! I watched the WHOLE movie!! You can do the clip!!)  where was I before the rant?  Oh yea… if you can’t watch the whole trailer please watch till the 36 seconds in.  It’s sooooo worth the whole 2 hour movie!!  While you do that I’m off to…

  • Dog Park

    Okay I admit it I never had an interest in going to a dog park.  I had a preconceived notion of ……… I don’t know…. dog fights….. dirt everywhere….. I dunno. I just never went! I never WANTED to go! I mean why? I have a yard, Gracie get’s to go on walks….. why DRIVE to a dog park?!  BUT Selena talked me into taking Miss Gracie yesterday (for her 5th birthday!) First, I have to admit…. I’m hooked. I actually want to be there NOW! 2nd the park is nicer than some of kids parks I’ve been too!!  I want MY YARD to look like the dog park!! The entrance If only they…