CDC Zombie Apocalypse preparedness 101!!
CDC Zombie Apocalypse offering: Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse. Everyone needs a Zombie plan!!! The concept of zombies, the CDC helpfully notes, has Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins and refers to “a corpse mysteriously reanimated to serve the undead.” But even though science can’t answer that gnawing question “Why do zombies like to eat brains so much?” there is much that everyday Americans can do to prepare themselves in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse. “That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for…
Selena!!!! More baby things!!
Selena!!! I found things that BabyT didn’t get from any of your baby showers. BUT you need NEED these!! NEED them!!! Any takers on my favorite?!?!?!?!
Free PhotoBook
York Photo is having such a GREAT offer going on right now. A FREE! 5×7 Custom Cover book This offer won’t last long so gooooo NOW!! Wouldn’t this make a GREAT Father’s Day Gift?? Or for Grandparents day?!?!
Giveway at Leona’s!!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted a giveaway. I just don’t know where time is GOING anymore!!!! Why did I have MORE time when I was working?? Now that I’m not….. I’m getting nothing done. I’m more tired and the clock is going faster!? WHY!?!? (WOW that was a little off track….) On to the giveaway. This is over at Leona’s Quilting Adventure. Super easy entry! Just subscribe to her blog. You can get an extra entry by telling her what your first project would be. Now…. you know MY rule… if you win…… I wannna come use your new Go Baby Fabric Cutter!! I have baby headbands, bibs and overall’s I want…
Cap’in Jack is back!!
Finally!!! Jack is BACK!! Tomorrow!!! Wooooo Hooooooo!!!
When it’s okay to use a swear word…….
Now some of these will make you scream out LOUD!!! DON’T say I didn’t warn you!!!! (Okay, well not SOME but at least one will ……. when you get to it you’ll know……… I’m still screaming……..but now only dogs can hear it) Still SCREAMING!!! No sound is coming out… but I’m still screaming!! Thank you Zac…….. These are awesome!!! Hey! Zac….. Mority is available for a SMALL fee to stand next to your bikes……. do the whole Vanna White thing… just let us know when to show up!!
Costume Discounters Review
I was given the opportunity to choose a costume for Halloween and write a review. I was like a kid in a candy store at Costume Discounters. It took me TWO days and several emails between my daughter Selena, my Mom and myself …. “Do you like this one??” “what about this one?” “Ohhhhh this one is even BETTER!” “Wait, wait, wait, go look at this one!” Yes, a kid in a candy store!! Costume Discounters has pages and pages of KIDS costumes, Little Red Riding Hood to Batman & Robin, infants to children. The adult section has everything you can imagine! Alice in Wonderland to Star Wars! Sexy costumes, Patriotic costumes, plus size, wigs,…