• You’ll never see these ads again

    If the wording was different I’d blame Zachary for that one!! Yea…. I’ll follow you anywhere…… till I’m sure there are no possible witnesses!! Unfortunately, they are all dead now. Who you callin’ CHUBBY!?!? After I take care of my toothache you can call me chubby and buy me a HOOVER… but not until. Come to think of it… you call me CHUBBY buy me a HOOVER and blow smoke in my face YOU will need the Cocaine TOOTHACHE drops NEXT!! I’m just NOT sure what to say….. The ONLY reason I’ll be fondling the vacuum is to check if it sucked up the HONKIN’ big DIAMOND ring that BETTER…

  • I’m going through withdrawals!!  For the last two days none of the blogs I subscribe to have arrived in my mail box.  NONE?! WHAAAAAA?????? Course not tooo awful bad tonight since I’m babysitting babyT and we just finished the last bottle.  Ummmm and she is WIDE awake…… panic may set in soon!!!!!! For both of us!

  • The Boys

    My kids are both in the same state school and I feel like my husband and I are throwing away thousands of dollars a month just on rent for them. We’ve been talking about getting a house for them to live in together and they obviously think it’s the best idea ever but I sure wish we could find something I knew they weren’t going to tear apart! I know they both like to party and I’m worried they’ll turn it into a 24/7 party house but I guess this is the point where I have to learn to trust them. We’ve been looking into allhomeSECURITY.com alarms for the place since…