It’s Sunday Y’all!
I’m taking the ENTIRE weekend off. Mostly cause I am exhausted! Let’s see if I can actually take the time off. Maybe I just need a nap?
Four Tips For Buying Pet Medication Online!
Pet medications don’t have to be bought from your local vet, and you can save a lot of money by purchasing treatments online. However, the FDA has expressed some concerns about consumers buying pet medications via the internet. It can be tricky to figure out what’s legitimate online, but if you know what dangers to look out for, then you’ll greatly minimize any risk of harming your loved ones. After all, you’ve carefully selected your pet, and you’d hate to lose a family member because you can’t afford the upkeep. Look out for accreditation. You should always purchase medication from a vet that has been accredited by Vet-VIPPS. This organization…
Your June 2017 Comet TV Guide!
ONLY AIRING ON CometTV.com in June YOU DON’T NEED A SUBSCRIPTION TO WATCH THESE GREAT MOVIES! THEY’RE AIRING FOR FREE ON COMET! The Prophecy (1995) Friday June 9 at 8P/7C Saturday June 10 at 8P/7C Wednesday June 14 at 6P/5C The Prophecy II (1998) Saturday June 10 at 10P/9C Thursday June 15 at 6P/5C The Prophecy 3: The Ascent (2000) Saturday June 10 at MIDNIGHT/11C Friday June 16 at 6P/5C Galaxina (1980) Friday June 16 at 8P/7C Saturday June 17 at 8P/7C Wednesday June 21 at 6P/5C Motel Hell (1980) Friday June 23 at 8P/7C Saturday June 24 at 8P/7C Stargate: The Ark of Truth (2008) Friday June…
Great Summer Activity Ideas For Kids!
What are your kids doing this Summer? For many of us Summer time with the kids is a time to enjoy the outdoors, the sunshine and if you’re lucky the ocean. As much as kids love Summer holidays, keeping them busy can be a real chore! If you don’t have the luxury of a Summer camp then it’s up to you as parent to find things for the youngsters to keep busy with. Failing that, your kids might spend all their time in front of a computer, tablet, phone or other screen and research has shown that spending too much time in front of a screen can have a detrimental…
How Moms Can Protect Help Protect Their Families from Three Specific Types of Fraud
Fraud is certainly a frightening word for most mothers, especially in a day and age where we seem to constantly hear about it all the time in the news. Although it’s certainly our responsibility to be vigilant, keeping ourselves and our family’s finances safe from fraud is easier said than done. Beyond keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity, it’s important to understand how our own negligence can often result in the biggest fraud headaches. Below we’ve outlined three types of fraud that many mothers fall prey to and what you can do to avoid them. Keeping these tips in mind will provide you and your family peace of…
10 Home Cleaning Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier!!
One of the most trying and tedious aspects of our lives that we all must inevitably face on a daily basis is that of home cleaning. While it is most certainly a daunting task, there are always ways to make it a little bit easier on ourselves, while ensuring that there are no cut corners and our homes look squeaky clean. Today, we bring you a few tips on how to make things significantly easier on ourselves. 1. Get Organized This is easily the most trying part of cleaning. However, the more organized you are, the better you can actually stay on top of keeping your home clean. Go through…
MoreFit Fitness Tracker
Now, y’all know me, I’m not the biggest or best fitness buff out there. HOWEVER! Watching the now 6-year-old Alice all week-long has proven to me that if I don’t get my lazy tushie into gear I won’t LAST until she is 7! This kid is wearing me OUT!! Look at the smirk in the newborn Alice shot… I should have known I was in trouble! First thing I did was order a MoreFit. A fitness tracker with a pretty pink band!! (Squeal! It’s a pretty pink!!) Second thing I did was announced to Alice that we would be walking home from school from now on. So, that’s a 2…