• No Frills

    Here’s my weekly no frills progress report (okay who are we kidding? Of course there will be frills!) I’m happy to report another 1.5 pounds gone! That makes 4 pounds total. Walked Monday thur Friday with Kaki. I’ve added my weighted vest to my walking attire to burn more calories. The vest has weights you can add or subtract. I have 20 pounds in the vest now. (Think Ghostbusters and the StayPuft marshmellow man) Monday, Wednesday and Saturday I did the exercises that Tyler at WellStrong Fitness emailed for me to do. ( Except the push-ups. I’m obsessed with being able to do push-ups so I do them more. Right…

  • Stress clip art

    Quick and Easy Ways to Ease Stress for All Ages!!

    The right amount of stress can be very motivating. It can encourage you to get things done at work, at school, and at home that you would otherwise put off. However, the stress in many people’s lives isn’t this kind of stress. In today’s world, stress is pervasive and persistent, and it’s destroying our health. If we don’t learn how to manage stress, we can suffer from lower immune function, and decreased cognitive abilities, and chronic stress can even cause adolescents to develop coronary heart disease later in life. Destressing takes a little work, but it doesn’t take as much work as you might think. Here are a few quick…

  • GRRRRRR…..

    Today was one of THOSEdays. Where you come home frustrated and mad. It took everything I had not to buy the 1 pound bag of Peanut Butter M&M’s and eat ‘em all. (For those of you who think I’m kidding…. ummm Serving SIZE equals CONTAINER size!! This goes double for M&M’s!) Instead I bought the (normal) single size bag. I ate the first few mindlessly………. realized what I was doing and slowed down and enjoyed the rest of the bag. (btw those bags are tiny!!) Where chocolate was supposed to make everything better what I think I really need is a punching bag and channel Rocky Balboa! GGGRRRRR!!! Anyway for…