Three Skills That Will Benefit You The Most On The Job Market
Recently, we explored why it could be beneficial for adults to seek out the option of further education. It typically will provide new doorways and paths to travel down. However, you might be wondering about the type of skills that you should focus on in this new exploration of education. What will get you the most buzz on the job market? What puts you in the perfect position to perform and gain a top position? Well, there are a vast range of possibilities here so let’s explore some of the options Data Processing and analyzing data used to be nothing more than a joke. Remember in Friends when no one…
7 Reasons To Cut Out Sugar Aside From Weight Loss!
It’s no secret that sugar is bad for you and you shouldn’t eat too much of it. If you have a very high-sugar diet, you are likely to gain a lot of weight, and it can be difficult to lose that weight again unless you cut back on the sugar. But weight gain isn’t the only problem caused by sugar, and even if you are happy with your weight, that doesn’t mean that you should be eating a lot of it. People tend to think that they don’t need to worry about their sugar intake unless they are overweight but that isn’t the case at all. In reality, there are…
What’s In The Craft Room NOW??
I really do have a great excuse for being slow with blog posts. It’s THIS craft room! My craft room calls to me! I head down here around 9am and stay till 3!! Maybe if I moved my desk closer to the stairs and not on the other side of the craft table I wouldn’t get distracted with the shiny, shiny, sooooo shiny projects!! Here is what I’m working on now. Last week I actually had company to craft with me!! My friend Marilee and her daughter and grandgirls were here designing t-shirts!! The vinyls were sooooooo cool!!! Everyone’s was so different and so pretty! My vinyls of course were…
Happy Birthday Tamra Phelps!
Happy Birthday Tamra!!!!! You are truly an inspiration to all of us Peanuts!!! Happy, Happy Birthday!!!!!!! We love you!!! Next year, I imagine you’ll be dancing in your livingroom!! Happy Birthday sweet lady! THANK YOU Kate for the reminder and the nudge!! I don’t know what I would do without my Peanuts!
Four Reasons Adults Should Pursue Further Education
Lots of us are glad to put our school days behind us, but for many, we’re not quite ready to give up learning. Higher education for adults can be very rewarding for all kinds of reasons, from increased earning power to just the joy of learning. Here are a few reasons to consider taking on the challenge of further education. 1. A change of career. If your current career isn’t fulfilling you, it might be time to consider a change of direction. Changing careers later in life can be difficult, but taking on some studies to learn the skills for a change of direction. Whether you take on an online…
What’s On The Trail Cam Friday!
Diane, you pointed out there hasn’t been much to comment on lately. Let’s just call it L-A-Z-Y!! So, I here by designate Fridays as “what’s on the trail cam!” So, after going through 3000 (yeah, you read that correctly 3000) photos I found a few that are post-worthy. I also realized that the batteries must be low because all I have are night photo’s. We get constant traffic by this trail cam. It’s directly on the side of my craft room. I never get tired of the visitors. Here is what we got this week! Here are a few more trail-cam photos
Happy New Year!! January 2020 $50 Your Way #Giveaway
WOW!! My first #Giveaway in 2020!?! REALLY??? Now I’ll really show my age here but …….. in high school 2020 sounded like it was SO far away! I mean hello…… I’ll practically be dead! Seriously, 60 sounded like a really OLD persons age. 61?! Hello? Would I have a blanket around my shoulders, be knitting blankets be in a rocking chair ….. wait… that’s a bad example because I WOULD love a rocking chair on my porch and I am slightly addicted to knitting. I did think we would have flying cars……. course if you’ve ever seen me on the road….. I kinda do fly. What about you? Did you…