• Trail Cam Friday

    I moved the trail cam to the left of our garage door instead of outside my craft room.  My thoughts were: A. easier to get too (true)  B. better variety of pictures (false) So, these are not the best pictures for the week. Granted, it’s been icky outside. It’s either snowing or raining or both at the same time. Seriously cloudy and gray all day. HOWEVER!!! (See?? Y’all knew I’d find something good! RIGHT?!!?!?) The snow, rain, mist produced some really cool effects for this weeks pictures. Of course, I believe I caught a flying saucer yet AGAIN!! Then these were too funny NOT to share. Bear investigating the camera…

  • jar of coins

    Income Streams That Work Even When You Don’t

      If you were offered the chance to take your salary for a year, or five, or ten, without going into work, would you take it? The vast majority of people surely would, because it would free up time in which we could do other things that we wanted to do, without losing out financially. That’s not to say we only work because we need the money – there are other reasons, including social and health reasons, why it is a good idea to keep up a job or some form of productive routine – but it does open up an interesting question. What if you could be making money…

  • Help In the Kitchen Mom and daughter in kitchen

    Need Help In the Kitchen? Ask Your Toddler! (5 Life Tested Tips)

    As a busy mother, I totally understand how challenging it could be to make meals and watch your kids simultaneously. And the smaller the baby, the harder it is. Particularly if it’s your first kid! I do my best to make meals as fast as the flash and serve it right away. My family doesn’t like waiting too long 🙂 Recently I’ve got a brand new baby food maker so now I can save extra minutes for reading or writing while snacks are getting ready. Besides cooking, mother always has a lot of duties and chores, therefore, it’s a great way out to get your toddler involved in daily routine…