• Starting A Business Laptop Day Planer

    8 Things You Should Know About Starting A Business

    So, you’ve decided that you’re ready to explore starting a business – how exciting! Starting up on your own is a huge deal, but there are plenty of things about business life that may not occur to you when you get started. Every single business in any industry comes with ups and downs, and while your business can give you a lot of freedom, there are some issues you will come across in your first couple of years. Almost everyone can start a business, but the challenge is in keeping it going. It takes a lot of work to continue a business after you get started, but despite the fact…

  • trail cam photos sandpoint idaho

    Trail Cam Friday December 4th #wildlifephotography

    Yeah, the Trail Cam batteries died, and the date is wrong on all of these. Next Friday should have correct day and time. Gesh! If it isn’t one thing it’s a million others. Most of these are picture in the dark because it gets DARK AT 3:30 in the AFTERNOON!!! WhatTHE?!?! I’m really sad that my wild bears haven’t been by in over 2 weeks. Maybe next week’s Trail Cam Friday.  

  • $100 giveaway

    $100 Your Way Giveaway December 2020 #giveaway

    I decided to do one more $100 giveaway. It may help someone pay down some of those holiday shopping bills. January I will be going back to my normal $50 giveaway. Being stuck at home means my monthly update is, well REALLY boring. I skimmed through my pictures for the month, pfffftttt nothing that I haven’t posted on Instagram! We did learn via the weather channel we should expect 86″ or MORE of snow this winter. During our last FaceTime chat I had Alice (9 year old Granddaughter) grab the tape measure and measure out 86″. Alice ” Okay? So?” Me “That’s how much snow Non’s gonna get this winter”…