• Zombie Apocalypse

    Blast from the Past! CDC Zombie Apocalypse preparedness 101!!

    This Zombie Apocalypse post is from May 2011. It seems to go along with the whole theme of my blog being possessed. Maybe it isn’t a ghost or demon! MAYBE it’s ZOMBIES!! So, enjoy something that I STILL find funny! It’s better than my whole “testing, testing, testing theme I have going here. CDC offering: Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse. Everyone needs a Zombie plan!!! The concept of zombies, the CDC helpfully notes, has Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins and refers to “a corpse mysteriously reanimated to serve the undead.” But even though science can’t answer that gnawing question “Why do zombies like to eat brains so much?” there is…

  • May $50 Giveaway

    $50 Your Way May 2022 Giveaway!

    Happy May Little Peanuts! Are you ready for May’s Giveaway? I am ready for some sunshine. Idaho can’t decide if it wants to snow, rain, or just be gloomy. So much so that it will do it all at the SAME TIME!! I am ready for some hiking and kayaking. April SUCKED April wasn’t exactly a great month for The Husband! First, a nasty MS attack that put him back in a wheelchair. then adding insult to injury The Husband was diagnosed with Wet Macular Degeneration which requires a SHOT IN THE EYE!! WITH a NEEDLE!! Of course, I filmed the whole thing and sent it to our kids. They…

  • Glasses on a woman

    Beyond Glasses and Classes! 4 Ways To Keep Mentally Sharp

    There seems to be an increase in attentional problems, perhaps due to the way of the world and the pandemic. There’s been a lot of talk about “pandemic brain” but also the fact that using devices has made a big impact on our ability to focus. We all need to keep our brains sharp, especially as we get older and the world appears to become more challenging. What are the ways to do this? Keep Learning If you are looking to keep your brain functioning better, especially if you are concerned about cognitive decline in old age, learning is crucial. It keeps your brain mentally active. Some people have jobs…