$50 Your Way #Giveaway!! February 2021
Welcome to my February #Giveaway. Do you Little Peanuts remember when I use to be so organized?? Yeah… it’s been so long ME EITHER!!! I woke up this morning THE 1st! Realizing I didn’t add February’s monthly giveaway. Ackkkkkkk!!! HOW is this already FEBRUARY 1st?!?! What happened to March? Has to be the fact that I’m waist-deep in old photographs!! OR WAIT, WAIT!!! Wait it’s COVID brain!!!!! Buying any of that? I swear the older I get the faster time is flying by, that can’t just be me right?? My monthly update is pretty exciting. The beam that stretches across the entire main floor of the house had a makeover.…
Hello 2021 $50 Giveaway #giveaway
Happy New Year little Peanuts! Giveaway Time! Wooooohooooo GOODBYE 2020!! I am racking my brain trying to have any kind of an update for my giveaway post. Man 2020 really screwed things up, right?!? I didn’t travel, I didn’t do anything exciting. I use WAZE as my map app. THIS is how boring my entire year was!! I went 411 miles ALL YEAR!?!? No wonder my I’m having such a hard time coming up with something to write! We didn’t even get our first snow until New Years Eve! I was starting to believe Mother Nature left Sandpoint Idaho off the snow list! 2020…. just a screwy year all the way…
$100 Your Way Giveaway December 2020 #giveaway
I decided to do one more $100 giveaway. It may help someone pay down some of those holiday shopping bills. January I will be going back to my normal $50 giveaway. Being stuck at home means my monthly update is, well REALLY boring. I skimmed through my pictures for the month, pfffftttt nothing that I haven’t posted on Instagram! We did learn via the weather channel we should expect 86″ or MORE of snow this winter. During our last FaceTime chat I had Alice (9 year old Granddaughter) grab the tape measure and measure out 86″. Alice ” Okay? So?” Me “That’s how much snow Non’s gonna get this winter”…
Before The Wrath Movie Review and #GIVEAWAY!! #beforethewrathmovie
WOW! I just have to start with WOW! Before the Wrath brings interviews with experts and mixes them with a beautiful reenactment and in depth teaching of the Rapture. The Husband and I truly found this movie intriguing and fascinating. Kevin Sorbo narrates Before the Wrath; the # 1 Christian movie in America. Bible scholars continue to debate the timing of the Rapture, but why is such a mysterious event prophesied to happen in the first place? Is there a deeper understanding surrounding this occurrence that we’ve lost over the millennia that those living in the first-century clearly understood? Although most people today no longer believe that Jesus is coming…
Hot Cherry Pillow #Giveaway!! #coupon
Remember back in September, I introduced you to a Hot Cherry Pillow? We’ve already established it’s NOT a SONG!! Nope not sung by Neil Diamond or Warrent. It’s a hot cold therapy pillow. I can not even begin to tell you how amazing MY pillow has been after my carpal tunnel surgery. My pillow is on my lap, hands buried in the folds, every. single. night. Hey, J’Nelle product idea! How about hand pockets? I need 2. (I know…. I am a bottomless pit of wants and needs) Seriously, this thing is AWESOME!! Therapy pillow is such a better description than heating pad. WHY?? Two-fold. First, when you move the…
NOVICA $50 Giveaway!!
If you’ve been around Peanut Butter and Whine for a while you KNOW how much I adore NOVICA!! OHMGEEEEEE!! Talk about a site that makes me squeal with delight every time I shop there. So many treasures in my home and jewelry box are from NOVICA (to toot my own horn here. I’ve been working with NOVICA since 2014!!! HOLY GUACAMOLE Batman!!) Many of my staple pieces of jewelry are from there. I swear this is a site that never, ever disappoints. The talent these artisans have is amazing. If you’ve never gone to the site before I promise you, your in for a huge delight. (wait… that doesn’t sound…
$100 Your Way #Giveaway November 2020
Hello little Peanuts!! This month to help a little with your holiday shopping I’ve upped the regular “$50 Your Way Giveaway” to $100. My way of saying thank you for visiting. Coming up I have giveaway after #Giveaway coming from my favorite companies!! Like a $50 Gift Card from Novica! A game from Winning Moves Games and an eye pillow from Hot Cherry Pillows I’m hoping to add a couple more giveaways throughout the month. So, October was a busy month for me. I had both hands operated on. Carpal Tunnel is no joke! Dannnnnng. I had no idea how much your hands could hurt. Surgery went great on both…
$50 Your Way #Giveaway October 2020
I am still alive and kicking. Whining all the way! Here is my quick update for October. September 21st I had carpal tunnel surgery. 1st, did you know that is now an office visit surgery!??! 2nd did you know you can WATCH if you want!?! *YES, I DID watch! It was equally awesome and gross. I was so fascinated I couldn’t get close enough! So weird to watch without actually feeling anything. It was VERY cool!! Of course after all the feelings came back to my hand. ….well, OUCH!! Fingers are still numb. Slowly getting better. Y’all know how patient I am (NOT!) I want full function like yesterday. Friday…