• Photo-A-Day SNUG Home Gym Stairs

    PBnWhine Home Gym Offer

    Soooooo I’ve heard that some people spend a fortune on a gym membership to be able to workout. Being the giving, helpful person that I am, I would like to offer you an alternative! An extremely low cost alternative.  As in FREE HOME GYM! The PBnWhine Gym full body workout is FREE!! YES! You read that correctly! I will allow you full access to all my gym like amenities. Home Gym Amenities Let’s explore the PBnWhine amenities shall we? Stair machine Okay, technically NOT  a machine. However,  you have 57 carpeted stairs to work on.  BONUS!  The folks that built the house didn’t make any 2 steps the same size…

  • Naked Shake

    Get Naked! As in #nakednutrition

    Covid knocked most of us off our stride. (How long can I blame every thing bad that has happened to me on Covid? Another year easy, right??!!) Covid knocked me sideways. Before I was locked up sorry I mean locked down, I was on a roll with the whole get fit and lose weight thing. I was down 50 pounds! Fifty POUNDS. I worked so hard! I am now down 10. (To me that sounds better than I’ve gained back 40 pounds) So, here we go again. This time with the help of Naked Nutrition. Truthfully, the first reason I wanted to test this protein drink had nothing to do…

  • healthy choices

    3 Ways to Create Healthy Food Habits With Your Kids

    Kids can be the pickiest of eaters, and at times you might find yourself giving up and giving in, letting them have mac and cheese – yet again – for dinner tonight. About 20% of children are picky eaters. While most grow out of it, it’s important to instill healthy habits in your little ones now, so they can grow up to make healthy, nutritious choices as adults and work on improving their health throughout their lives.  So, how can you create healthy food habits with your kids now? Some experts make it sound like a complicated task. But, you don’t have to know much about GMOs, preservatives, or things…