That’s EVIDENCE!!!
BabyT and I visited Mommy at the Police Station today. (I should just leave it at that … cause that’s kinda funny for those that don’t know she works there.) Anyyyyywayyyyy. First… P.D.?? not big fans of the Raiders! Second… if your mommy works in impound it doesn’t take much to get impounded into evidence. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh maybe she was impounded beCAUSE she wore the Raider outfit!?!?!? Impound locker
I’m going through withdrawals!! For the last two days none of the blogs I subscribe to have arrived in my mail box. NONE?! WHAAAAAA?????? Course not tooo awful bad tonight since I’m babysitting babyT and we just finished the last bottle. Ummmm and she is WIDE awake…… panic may set in soon!!!!!! For both of us!
No Power
We have no electricity today for 10 hours!! TEN!! Do you know how quiet my house is with no power??!?! VERY QUIET!!! I can hear my voice echo quiet!! Not to mention my house is dark……… and soooooo VERY boring!!! 10 (TEN!) hours!?!?!? Ummm no internet?!?! And no matter how many times I tried that light switch down the hall that light still wasn’t comin’ on! All is better now.. power is back.. in time for me to go to bed. Humphhhhhh
Flip Flops!!!
I was thinking I really need a new pair of flipflops……… and now I know where to go to get a pair! or 10,000!!!!!! A Dutch artist named Florentijn Hofman built this using 10,000 flip flops!
I miss my Grandbabies already!!
New Highchair
Dear Selena and Dan, I promise never to put Alice in this type of chair. (or at least I promise I won’t take a picture) I’m lying…… I am soooooooooo doing this!! Only I will cut the watermelon smaller I don’t want her little arms to be uncomfortable! I’m a WAY better Nonnie than that!!
What a GREAT day!!
Ahhhhhh this is the sound of a content Nonnie. I spent the day with my entire family!!! Alice told fishing stories to Uncle Zac (apparently one big one got away!!) There was cake! There was some jaw dropping conversations! And there was toe lickin’! Yum toes….. gooood!! What a GREAT Saturday!!
Thank you Barbara for tonight’s blog. I love anything that makes Barbara laugh. I REALLY love it when she laughs so hard she looks like she’s crying and she can’t stop and catch her breath. Wait… that was mean!! Ohhh wait… I AM MEAN!! So Barbara get your hanky.