Simple Tips for Fractions
Many people, even when they are naturally good at math, have a hard time with fractions. If you fall in this category, there is hope. By following these simple tips for fractions, you can learn how to perform basic math functions using fractions. Numerator vs. Denominator A fraction represents a part of a whole number. If you have one half (i.e., 1/2) of a pie, for example, the whole pie has been divided into two equal parts, one of which is missing. The number on the bottom of the fraction is the number of parts or the denominator. The top number is how many of the parts are present, or…
Starting Kindergarten: How to Prepare Your Child
Getting your child into kindergarten is a good idea. It will help them to create friendships, learn social skills and receive an education that you can’t provide them with by yourself. Starting kindergarten doesn’t have to be traumatic for you or your child. But, the thought of taking them to kindergarten can be extremely daunting. You’ll have to deal with being separated from your child for an extended period of time and they may not want to leave your side; that’s when you get the tantrums or tears at the gates. Fortunately it is possible to avoid this. Choose The Right Place You need to visit several establishments and find…
It’s College Move-In Day! Here’s Five Packing Tips To Get You Started!
One of the biggest projects for a parent is letting go of their child and getting them ready for college. When they’re brand new and in your arms, you don’t consider that you’re raising this dependent little creature to one day be in a place you can’t be all the time. It’s not conceivable until you have a tall eighteen-year-old standing in front of you and ready to pack their things to move into the next phase in their life. Deep breaths, parents, because college move-in day is the next chapter for you, too. It’s a big project from start to finish, and while you have plenty of notice, you…
Let’s Teach Our Kids How to Take Down Notes!
Jotting down notes for class seems such a menial task to do, but there are countless ways to make it effective. Before we get into the different techniques that we can teach our kids on note-taking, let us break down how to take down notes first. What factors can affect note-taking? First, students must be active listeners and multi-taskers. They know that while the information on the board is important, those that their teachers are saying are also significant. At the same time, when the teacher posits a question, they must be aware enough to raise their hand and answer, especially if they know the question. Second, students must know how…
8 Ways College Students Can Save Money!!
Along with worrying about classes and the future job that they’re working towards, numerous college students are feeling the stress of a tight budget. Read on to learn ways that students can save money. Fortunately, there are many solutions to saving money and make budgeting it a bit easier. Here are the top eight. 1. Don’t buy new / look for discounted options: The odds are that after the one course you bought it for, that textbook will never be used again. And in today’s modern age, electronics are nearing the same shelf life. There’s no sense in overspending for something that is shiny and new but will probably be…
Five Tips for Healthier Back-to-School Lunches
Already many kids are back in school, and as such, many parents are struggling to find healthy back-to-school lunch options their kids actually like. With especially picky eaters, parents often have to get creative to put together something that is healthy and well-liked, as well as is budget-friendly. However, before adding in anything brand new to your child’s diet, make sure they are not allergic. If your child already has pre-existing allergies, make sure they have the proper tools, such an EpiPen, with them during school hours. If your child has allergies and you do not have an EpiPen or other medication, because you are struggling to make your health…
Higher Education Can Help Double Your Salary!
Higher Education Can Help Double Your Salary Despite the flak that higher education received in 2014 for financial practices, not many of those in mainstream media focus on the positive results of what colleges and universities offer students. In some cases, adults who have returned to college for a specific class have nearly doubled their annual salaries shortly after completing the course. It’s a mixture of pre-existing experience and marketing oneself that helps achieve success after college. Do You Benefit from a Degree? in your specific field is more than a piece of paper that adorns your walls. It is evidence that you have proper knowledge to complete tasks related…
GiftsForYouNow Back To School GIVEAWAY!!
Back to school? Doesn’t it seem like summer JUST started?? Oh wait, that’s me…. I’m now an empty nester… I forgot how long summer REALLY is!!! (Yes, I do think I’m funny!) I’ve teamed up with some awesome bloggers to bring you a great back to school giveaway!! Good LUCK!! Hosted By: Holiday Contest and Sweeps Co-Hosted By Here We Go Again, Ready? Michigan Savings and More My Devotional Thoughts Peanut Butter and Whine Everyday Southwest Proudly Brings You The GiftsForYouNow.com (don’t forget to use Rakuten for 6.5% back!) Back To School Giveaway 1 Winner receives a set of two Backpacks Holiday Contest and Sweeps is pleased to team…