July Daily Words Happy Birthday The Husband Fireworks Sparklers Happy 4th of July! Can Idaho Get Some Warm Weather Now Please Goodness July Is Usually Non Camp Stupid 13 Too Old For A Long Sleep Over Istead Reading Gardening Fishing
Patty R. January 1, 2016 at 11:41 am Reply Happy New Year, Miss Gruning! I hope it’s a very healthy, happy and prosperous one for you.
Bev December 4, 2015 at 11:36 pm Reply How does this work? It sure looks like fun. I love a word challenge!
Tamra Phelps October 31, 2015 at 11:12 am Reply You switched over to November, lol…there is no 31st for today! (Happy Halloween.)
Rebecca Niehaus October 18, 2015 at 3:04 pm Reply Lol! I imagine it is pretty hard to come up with that many words. 🙂
Muhamad Khobirun
Sarah L
How about using a thesaurus? Find words you like.
Patty R.
Happy New Year, Miss Gruning! I hope it’s a very healthy, happy and prosperous one for you.
How does this work? It sure looks like fun. I love a word challenge!
Tamra Phelps
You switched over to November, lol…there is no 31st for today! (Happy Halloween.)
Rebecca Niehaus
Lol! I imagine it is pretty hard to come up with that many words. 🙂