R ya kiddin’ me??
I’m watching what I eat. The stuff I really, REALLY want I try to eat in moderation only to find out I have to worry about my WATER!?!?! R ya KIDDIN’ ME?!? Now in 2024 here I am again starting over! GESH!! Back to WW (if you sign up don’t forget to start with Rakuten and get $15 off!)
Okay, so I’m flipping thru one of the magazines that came today….. and well, I’ve decided I need someone to just bring me a huge vat of Nivea Silhouette. The ad says that Silhouette can lead to a 3 cm reduction on targeted area’s such as the waist, thighs, hips, and belly!! I figure if I could soak in a vat on the weekends I wouldn’t have to exercise or DIET!!! So? Whadda ya say? Hello?? Anyone?? In the meantime, I’ll keep doing what I’m doing. Slow but steady. I keep thinking 11 pounds isn’t much but when you add in toning it really is! This week alone I’ve fit…
Duck duct duck
I’ve always heard that insanity runs in the family…. you get it from your KIDS! But I may have actually passed the gene to my son Zachary! Zac is going on a THOUSAND-mile bike ride from San Diego to San Francisco to benefit Diabetes. I am hoping you’ll go check out his website. (just like all my posts the different color is a direct link. Just double click) His website is now gone. Darn it. Pacific Coast Knock Out: 1000 Miles on a Kikker HardKnock Me? I’m going to go to bed before I go dig around in the fridge for food. I did really good all day and all…
Don’t Stare!!
Today was my weekly phone call from Tyler at WellStrong Fitness. Tyler wants me to up the cardio. So when Kaki and I walk I’m supposed to walk 3 minutes and jog for 1 minute. I am suppose to do this 2 times a week. Thinking about this now….. I don’t like this idea at ALL!! The route that Kaki and I walk is dodging kids from 3 schools. A grade school, middle and HIGH SCHOOL! The kids already look at us like we are welll geeky adults ….. that’s fine I’m okay with that. But now I’m going to jog too? I don’t run pretty. I’ve never been a…
Week 8
Here comes my weekly blah blah blah post. (With a little whining thrown in!) I stayed the same!! THE SAME 11 pounds!!! COME ON!! Shouldn’t this be getting easier?!?! Ohhh I know what you’re thinking…. “wasn’t it just a few posts back that said ‘you couldn’t get enough to eat?’” Ummmm well, nooooooooooooo that was my eeeevil twin!!?! Okay, fine….. well, at least it wasn’t a gain. I am firming up though, because I wore 2 skirts this week that I have never had on!! (They still had tags on them!! YEA YEA YEA ME!!!) I walked with Kaki, did a couple nights with Jillian Michaels DVD. But, over all…
You may want to sit down for this!
I can’t think of anything to blog about. I KNOW!! ME!! Who would have thought? Not me, I’m just as shocked as you are!! I feel bad because I’m on such a roll. I’ve not missed a single day since I started this challenge. (Besides, I would hate for you not to have SOMETHING to read in the morning, since you were nice enough to come check!!) But tonight…. I got nadda, zip, zilch, nothin’. Nothing blog worthy. Unless of course you want to know about dinner (I know how much you enjoy that topic!!). I had a white meat peach (SO GOOD!!) with a little bit of yogurt. I…
No cheating!
Today was so busy it was easy to stick to my diet. No cheating at all. Dinner was fresh watermelon and yogurt. I think I could eat watermelon every day and be a happy camper. Even though Monday is my late night, the Wii Fit sounded like fun, got everything all set up….. only to find out the batteries are dead….. (Do I have creative excuses not to exercise Monday nights or WHAT!!!!) But I did do some ab work so all is not lost.
The weekend is almost over and I can get back to the business of loosing weight!! I don’t know why this weekend was so much harder than most. I was lazy and hungry all weekend. Sooooooooo NOT good! I’m going to have to work hard straight thru till Wednesday just to stay even let alone show a loss. Do you think I could just NOT eat till Wednesday? Naaa me either.