• Black Friday

    My feet hurt! I walked every mall, every store ….. I stood in lines for 2 to 3 hours….at each store!  There are  no two ways about it!  Black Friday is a day you either LOVE it or HATE it!  I LOVE it!!!   I think I’m almost done with my shopping for 2010!  More because I’m broke than actually being done. But I am in the Christmas mood!!  Our Christmas tree up and decorated! (it’s SO pretty!!!).  Here is my favorite Christmas tree tip…. plug the tree lights in to a timer.  I like the one that has a dual setting I have it come on in the morning around the time that that we would be…

  • Escondido CA Bomb update

    This is copied and pasted from local news site. Police have arrested an Escondido, California man after discovering “the largest quantity of this type of homemade explosives found in one location in the history of the United States” in his rented home. In addition to the explosives, authorities also found thirteen homemade grenades wrapped with shrapnel and nine completed detonators in the home of George Djura Jakubec, located near Interstate 15. While the grenades were not active, the ingredients to make them were found in the home. The three explosives found in Jakubec’s home were: A small mushroom cloud can be seen as police detonate Jakubec’s explosive stash in his…