Last update
Every few days I look for updates on Brennan Eden and I finally found some good news! Brennan’s been released from the hospital and is back home with his family. I know I say it every time I bring up Brennan’s name but MAN!! That guy is the luckiest guy on earth! To survive that crash God has something important in store for him. What a LUCKY LUCKY young man. I can’t even imagine the relief his Mom feels. (I think it’s time to call and harp at my own kids to SLOW DOWN!! Yup yup…. and don’t just put my call to voice mail!!) Now because I personally can’t get…
Let’s go to the movies!! I can’t wait for this one!! Bruce Willis! I’m always in for a Bruce Willis movie.
The best way to describe how hot it was in Escondido CA today is “Summer arrived and it’s PISSED!” Seriously, California just didn’t get hot this year…. until today!! The high was 114 degrees. Then tonight when I left work at 7:30pm (in the DARK mind you!) it was still 97 degrees out!!!!
Room addition update
Here is my weekly room addition update….. it’s a video walk thru even!! Well, I THINK there use to be a video here. All gone now.
My favorite signs
HA HA HA!! Jokes on you!! I don’t carry $200 in my pockets when I’m jumping electric fences! Soooo good luck getting that MONEY!! NOPE NOPE NOPE!!! Not playin’ soccer in that field. NO…. NO way… NOPE! Can’t make me!! You can’t make me! I am confused… again!! I know… I’m always confused. But come ON! I hope this isn’t a road side sign I’m supposed to read at 65 miles per hour. (yes! I have driven 65 before, at least once in my life….)
Too great not to share!!
Five tips for a woman…. 1. It’s important that a man helps you around the house & has a job. 2. It’s important that a man makes you laugh. 3. It’s important to find a man you can count on! And doesn’t lie to you.4. It’s important that a man loves you & spoils you.5. It’s important that these four men don’t know each other.
Wait… What?!
This town hall meeting didn’t go quite as expected! Clearly President Obama wasn’t ready for this woman. For the whole transcript follow this link. http://emptysuit.wordpress.com/2010/09/20/woman-at-cnbc-town-hall-meeting-tired-of-defending-obama/
Round and around and around I go. Up in the morning…… feed my dog….. walk my dog (can’t just let her in the backyard… too many contractors!)….dress….. drive to daughters house feed and water granddogs…(granddogs can’t come here… Mr. Bosco barks at every human he sees… DH could never sleep through that!! Well, not if daughter wants granddog back in one piece anyway!!)…. walk granddogs…… back in car to be at work at 9a.m. After work…… reverse order…… add sleep, then begin again…. feed, drive, walk…. WAIT!!!!! OHMYGOD!! It’s only WEDNESDAY!?!?! It’s gonna be a LONG LONG REALLY LONG 5 days!! Top it off today the contractor’s pounded on the house so much the noise was deafening!! It also convinced me I…