• Shark Eyes

    First these are BAD!!  B-A-D!!  They don’t let your eyes breathe.  You could really damage your eyes. They are BAD!!  Repeat after me… I will never EVER put these in my eyes!! Okay now all that said……..  I really REALLY want these!! How freaky FREAKY F-R-E-A-K-Y COOL would these be to wear on Halloween!?!?!?  I WANT THEM!!!!  I want really want them!!! Remember… they are bad for you!!  Do not put them in your eyes!

  • Well, I think I’ve found the grown up Pigpen.  He works for our contractor.  Cause I have dirt everyWHERE!!  The room addition work has a thick layer of dust and dirt all over this house!  There is no point in cleaning because it just comes back with the arrival of the contractors.  UGH!!!  I can’t wait to be able to really clean this house!  (Okay that right there has to tell you how bad this house is!  I’m actually anxious to clean?!!??! Unless someone wants to come over and clean for me??)

  • Only in Montana!!

    A family that lives on the outskirts of Billings, Montana decided to build a sturdy, colorful playground for their 3- and 4-year-old sons. They lined the bottom with smooth-stone gravel all around to avoid knee scrapes and other injuries. They finished building it one Friday evening and were very pleased with the end product. The following morning, the mom was about to wake the boys up and have them go out to play in their new play center. This is what she saw from the upstairs window. This gives a whole new meaning to “If you build it, they will come”!