• I know… I do find weird crap…..

    Today I found these pictures… I understand tattoos.  I have a tattoo…  I love it!  My daughter designed it.  It’s on my foot. I wouldn’t change thing about it. I LOVE my tattoo! But, this? THIS! I don’t understand. When I found these pictures my first thought was WHY?  My second thought was ‘NO REALLY…. WHY!!!!!!!! Someday you could get married… have children….. go to parent teacher conference??  Walk your daughter down the aisle?  OHMYGOD be a grandparent!?!  Okay that scared ME so I think I’m done for tonight.

  • It’s just GUM!! DUH!!

    As promised I did look for updates on Brennan E. Eden. I have nothing to report. The family is REALLY keeping Brennan’s condition very quiet. How much ya wanna bet Brennan lands on the cover of People Magazine with the full story with updated condition and photos?? If we bet… will you really send me money when I win?? Cause I could send you my address right now!!!  I’ll be RICH I tell ya RICH!!  Haaaaaaahaaaaa (that was an evil laugh in case it didn’t come thru as such)                                       And now on to today’s…