• 13 days till Christmas

    It’s time to Christmas UP!!  Ho ho ho… Merry Christmas!!!!  My goal is to find something fun, inspiring or just cute for the next 13 days ! Day one……. 13 days till Christmas…… a new twist on a flash mob.(Yes, I cried! I just can’t help it!!)

  • 3:00??? Really??

    You know what I like about Urgent Care? N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!!  But now I can add the fact they CLOSED at 3pm today and I arrived at 3:05!  I KNEW when I was able to park right up front something was really really WRONG!  Left Urgent Care and tried the ER… ummmm yea…. walked in the IN door and immediately OUT the other door.  Besides the whole ‘sick’ people thing…. the sick, bloody people were wall to wall!!  I don’t hurt that bad?  Right?  Right…..

  • It was no car chase………

    I AM a Californian!  I LOVE a car chase!  I sit glued to the couch during a car chase and now I can add ‘Bomb Factory House burning’ to the list. I sat riveted to the tv watching the house burn.  The house went up exactly as planned and exactly how the authorities said it would. I work in Escondido and the office was closed today so I was lucky enough to get to watch the entire thing from my couch.  I watched the entire burn start to finish.  From the prepping of the house till nothing stood but the fireplace.  The longer I sat on the couch the lazier I got!!  So…I…