Be sure and watch all the way to the end. I am in AWE!! I can’t make a STICK figure that LOOKS like a stick figure!!!!!! Let alone try and paint while spinning a canvas! I love this whole video……… between the painting and these two songs…. it brought tears to my eyes.
Pumpkin’ pie cutie…..
I am soooo THANKFUL I had my kids when I was young cause HOLY MOLY I am EXHAUSTED!! She’s TEENY TINY BABY!!! She sleeps, eats and poops. Why am I sooooo exhausted?? Cutie pumpkin’ pie. But Alice did let me know even though I put her in a pumpkin costume she still loves me!!! See Dan?!?!? Alice LOVES it with Nonnie. (hummmm a smart woman would remove the picture above….. but nooo NOT me!!!!)
Halloween begins NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
So yesterday’s picture was just my way of saying “I can’t STAND it anymore!! I have to décorate for Halloween NOW!! RIGHT now!!” Then the day after Halloween I want to put up the Christmas Tree. This will be Baby T’s first Halloween and Christmas AND I will have Emma and Eli here TOO!! I can’t wait!! I can’t stand it…… I wonder if I could put the Christmas Tree up and décorate it in a Halloween theme?!?! Hummmmmmm Ohhhhhhhhh my dear SWEET SWEET SWEET Dhhhhh!!! Can we please?!?! PLEASE!?!? Now…. give me a baby (let’s say BabyT) a box of Halloween Decorations and a camera and what you have…
Wordless Sunday
Happiness is……
I was moving photo’s to my back up drive and came across Emma in the pool. I love these shots so much I had to post them again!!! Now that’s a HAPPY girl!!!
The Talk
Does anyone else watch The Talk on CBS? I was thinking that Leah Remini and Holly Robinson Pete aren’t on vacation. They weren’t INVITED BACK!??!?! WAAAAA?!?!??! Who’s the brain behind THAT decision?!?!? This picture has absolutely nothing to do with The Talk or Leah & Holly but it’s from the last trip DH and I took to the San Diego Zoo. I just LOVE this picture!! Ohhhh wait…. maybe he heard about Leah and Holly and he’s sad TOO!!!!!!
Cuddle & Soothe Blanket
Alice and I are so excited to share our review of Bright Starts Cuddle & Soothe Blanket. First Alice and I looked the blanket over top to bottom. The workmanship on this blanket is wonderful!! The teething corner is soft and chewy. Alice and I can’t even begin to describe to you how soft this blanket is! I’ve washed the Cuddle & Soothe twice and it looks like it just came out of the package and it’s AS SOFT as the day it arrived. I wish I could get a closer shot of just how tight Alice holds this blanket…….. she truly “white knuckle” holds her new blanket. Alice is…
That’s EVIDENCE!!!
BabyT and I visited Mommy at the Police Station today. (I should just leave it at that … cause that’s kinda funny for those that don’t know she works there.) Anyyyyywayyyyy. First… P.D.?? not big fans of the Raiders! Second… if your mommy works in impound it doesn’t take much to get impounded into evidence. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh maybe she was impounded beCAUSE she wore the Raider outfit!?!?!? Impound locker