• X Factor

    This makes everything you worry about day to day seem so trivial.  WOW!!  Grab a tissue and hit play. PBnWhine gremlins have been at it again… it was probably AMAZING!!

  • Pencil Art

    Again…. I can’t draw a stick figure that LOOKS like a stick figure….. and there are people who can create THIS!?!??!?!  COME ON!!!! Okay…. somebody get me a pencil!!

  • Pumpkin’ Patch

    Sunday the family went to Bates Nut Farm to check out the Pumpkin’ Patch.  Some of us refused to have our picture taken without our shades on!  Emma rocks the farmer look!!   Alice rocks the do-rag!  Eli looks guilty to me in this shot…. I wonder what he did before Nonnie got the shot??  My sweet niece Jamie.  Baby Alice LOVES Jamie!!  Alice is a CITY baby!!  What the HECK is THAT!??!  Eli told Uncle Zac a great joke.  Or maybe it was the other way around??  Doesn’t this picture just scream “SMILE??  I am sitting in a PUMPKIN PATCH!!!??”  Okay THAT is a guilty look!!!  Try and get 5 people…