• Ergonomic UGLee Pen Review & Giveaway

      I am so excited!!!  My second GIVEAWAY!!!!!!   In one month!!!!!!!!  WHOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!! And it’s a favorite of mine!  Pens!  I am a PEN junky!!  (I won’t lie… it’s not just pens… but purses….shoes… rings!  Ahhhhh but pens I can afford more often!! And I DO!!!)  So I would like to introduce you to the UGLee Pen.  First…. I am sold just by the name.  It just cracks me UP!! And it’s UGLee!!  Which cracks me UP!!  Now that said…. that’s all that cracks me up.  This pen ROCKS!!!!  If you are a regular here you know that DH has MS (Multiple Sclerosis) so writing for him is occasionally…

  • I forgot……

    Since my ‘baby’ is 31 I have long forgotten what it’s like to care for toddlers.I miss the kisses and the hugs.  I miss the giggles and smiles.  I love my Grandbabies so much!!!  But I had completely forgotten everything else that comes with toddlers.Like…. that high pitch scream because someone took away someone else’s toy.  I surprised that only dogs can’t hear it!Getting out of the house for a walk is a whole production!!!  Changing diapers, dressing, socks & shoes, sunscreen and a jacket. Times 3.  Wait a minute…. where are your shoes??  (How can they get out of their shoes and socks and hide them all in a…

  • Weirder than Marshmallows Book review and Giveaway

    I was given the opportunity  to review the book “Weirder than Marshmallows” by Dan Fogg.  This book had me laughing outloud!  I’m a huge fan of sarcasm and Dan’s writing style 100% fits the bill!! It even had Eli my 18 month old grandson laughing… Nonnie can make any book sound like Dr. Seuss!  When I laughed, Eli would laugh and clap. Course… you really can’t judge any book by Eli’s laughing… he thought the electric bill was hilarious! I was in love as soon as I read the introduction of Weirder than Marshmallows: “Ignorance, lack of common sense, and downright inhuman stupidity run rampant in this country and around…