• My Snow Diary!!

    I know this joke has been around forever.  But cleaning out my computer I came across it again and …. well………. it just needs to be dusted off and shared again!  Warning! There is some foul language… but…. it’s about SNOW!!! August 12: Moved to our new home in Colorado. It is so beautiful here. The mountains are so majestic. Can hardly wait to see snow covering them. October 14:Colorado is the most beautiful place on earth. The leaves are turned all the colors and shades of red and orange. Went for a ride through the beautiful mountains and saw some deer. They are so graceful. Certainly they are the most wonderful…

  • Time for better carpet cleaning!

    I found a company called Green Choice Carpet Cleaning NYC!!  Ya’ know, having kids and pets you really do have to be careful with all the chemicals you bring into your homes.  In our house playing on the floor seems to be the natural place to be.  So, between Emma, Eli and Alice and 4 dogs between all 3 homes our carpets get disgusting! I had no idea that the two of the nastiest chemicals are used in carpet cleaning. Perchloroethylene and Naphtaline.  Inhahaled and ingested can cause nausea, fatigue, dizziness. Makes ya’ wonder what will happen with long term exposure. I know I don’t get my carpets cleaned daily, but we…

  • Move over Pinterest!! FamilyShare is HERE!!

    Have you ever heard of FamilyShare.com?  I hadn’t until today and already I’m in love!! At first glance FamilyShare resembles the layout of Pinterest.  That’s about as far as the resemblance goes. FamilyShare is about FAMILY!!  Ton’s of different subjects like, “Love” with topics like ‘The little things’.  The topics are everything from Marriage to Pregnancy, Health and Fitness to Grandparents!! It’s about FAMILY!!!  It’s about “Tools to Strengthen Family!” I hope you will go and check it out! FamilyShare.com’s, mission is to be trusted voices that enlighten, inspire and strengthen hundreds of millions of families worldwide. Our site is dedicated to helping individuals find practical solutions for their families.…