Pro Flowers!! Gardenia Bonsai Tree & Coupon Code!!!
Mother’s Day is coming up quick. May 12th to be exact. Pro Flowers is the place to order your flowers!! The selection is amazing, flowers and plants! Can you believe the vibrant green color of my new Bonsai tree?? I was seriously blown away when I opened this box. My Gardenia Jasminoides Bonsai is stunning!! This is the healthiest plant I think I’ve ever owned. Pro Flowers shipped my Bonsai Tree so well that not a SINGLE piece of dirt was disturbed during shipping. NOT A SINGLE PIECE!!! The box looked like it made it through a war zone, so I was worried. The tree container was sealed and the…
A to Z April Challenge Letter H
Hurl. What do you get when you mix a new grandchild and a new camera? You get a Grandma that shoots photo’s in rapid sucession!! My H word is HURL….. No baby was actually thrown in this example. Still one of the FUNNIEST set of photo’s I’ve taken. A to Z Challenge blog everyday except Sunday (per the rules) with my theme being what makes me happy, what inspires me and what makes me ME!!! So be prepared for more information about me than you ever wanted to know!!
I could use a VOTE for Alice!!
I could use a click to vote for Alice!! Click here! Please!! If When she gets the most votes she’ll win $2000 and her picture in an ad!!! (Not NaNa’s blog either! A real AD!!) Thank you SO much!!!
Dress United Personalized T-shirt 30% OFF COUPON!!
Do you need a personalized t-shirt or sweatshirt? Well, do I have a site for you to check out!!! Check out Dress United! Ordering at Dress United is beyond easy!!! First pick a t-shirt from an impressive selection. Long sleeve, short sleeve, unisex and even sweatshirts. You decide which brand of t-shirt you want. You pick the color. You add the text, you add the art (either your design or search Dress United’s clip art) How cool is this t-shirt design? My son Zachary and I sat down and put together a logo for his business t-shirt. This shirt came out AMAZING!!!!! The colors are great. This is a Hanes…
A to Z April Challenge Letter G
Gaudiest: When you ask us to pick you up at the Airport, we like to dress for the occasion. We are loud and hillbilly! So much so that our daughter Selena tried to walk UP the down escalator. Can you imagine?? All we did was happily greet our own child……….. with gusto!! BTW traveling to San Diego? We would be glad to pick you up!! A to Z Challenge blog everyday except Sunday (per the rules) with my theme being what makes me happy, what inspires me and what makes me ME!!! So be prepared for more information about me than you ever wanted to…
Hallmark for Mother’s Day!! Give AWAY too!!
Mother’s Day is comin’ up quick, (May 12th!!) but, you can relax I’ve found an absolutely perfect gift for you to give!! It’s a MESS FREE gift too!!! Hallmark Magic Prints. SO cute!!! So special. So one of a kind gift!! Super ADORABLE and easy to do!! This kit comes with 2 magic paper and a Magic Mit. I opened the Magic Mit and swabbed Alice’s hand and pressed her hand to the paper and WHOOLA……… the words appear on the paper. Is that not the sweetest gift EVER!??! How absolutely adorable is this gift??!??!?! The activator inside the Magic Mit doesn’t stain clothes, tables or skin. 100% safe for…
A to Z April Challenge Letter F
Family Book. When our children were growing up I quickly realized that I couldn’t (and didn’t!) keep up with 3 baby books. In 1984 I picked up our very first “family book.” The first book was just a blank journal nothing fancy, a plain paper cover, I paid maybe $2.00 just in case it didn’t ‘take’. But, it did take and now our family has dozens and dozens of ‘family books’. To this day there is a family book on my table. These books contain our family history. When the kids lived at home at dinner I would ask “what do you want to remember today?” So, you’re wondering what’s in…
Spy Killer by L.Ron Hubbard
L. Ron Hubbard has to be the most prolific writer of the pulp fiction era! He can spin a tale that is enjoyed even now. So descriptive and so entertaining. Having these stories read on cd is even more entertaining! These cd’s are full amazing sound effects. Water, paper wrestling, foot steps and engaging music and multiple cast readings make this book 100% entertainment. Today’s review is about Spy Killer from the Tales from The Orient collection. L. Ron Hubbard may have made his name by founding The Church of Scientology. But, before the Church was founded Hubbard wrote Pulp Fiction. Pulp Fiction is a term used to describe the low quality paper…