• Fun For Baby This Summer- How To Capture Your Memories

    New parents spend a lot of time taking photos of their babies. They capture each week and each month, and they fill up their phones, cameras and computers with pictures. But then what do you do with them? There are plenty of things that you can do with photos, from babyhood to adulthood. It’s important to capture those great memories of your baby, and it’s equally as important to do something with those memories that makes them visible. Sure, you can print them out and put them in a scrapbook or a photo album, but why not strive for something more? The Case For Professional Photos You probably take enough…

  • Restful Sleep Logo

    Restful Sleep Review

    Restful Sleep, isn’t that what we all want? As a kid I use to fall into blissful sleep so easily! I would watch my Grandmother barely sleep 8 hours. The woman was up before the sun, up in the middle of the night.  NOW I understand. Sleep. I would love to be able to fall on the bed and fall blissfully to sleep; greedy girl that I am I also want to sleep all night long!! However, that is not the case, I need help. Restful Sleep is perfect for me. From the name all the way to the fact that it’s made with natural botanical ingredients. Restful Sleep helps me to…

  • NuYou Labs Garcinia Cambogia Liquid Drops Review

    The older I get the less motivated I am to lose weight. It’s harder now than when I was in my 20’s. Heck, it’s harder to stay motivated today versus yesterday! All that whining aside, I KNOW that if I want to be around for these wonderful Grandkids of mine I have to get my butt back in shape (btw ROUND is NOT the shape I have in mind!). One of my favorite supplements is Garcinia Cambogia. It’s a great natural appetite supplement. It’s one that I count on for that extra kick of energy and to help curb my appetite. I know that taking pills or capsules isn’t for…