• Dear Sunday

    Ahhhhhhh Sunday

    I really am thoroughly enjoying my Sunday’s off!! Ahhhhhhhh ….. now can someone come over and hand me the remote? I accidentally left it on the table.

  • 4 Fun Ways to Spend Summer with Your Children!!

    Summer is here and that means your home just got a little crazier. While the summer months can be a trying time for many mothers, they are also a time to bond and have some fun with your children. If you are searching for some exciting, simple, and creative things to do this summer. Here  are 4 perfect ideas for you. Swimming Lessons Children need to learn how to swim sooner or later, so why not this summer? If your kids are old enough to start swimming without floaties, this can be a fun activity for them as well as you. So grab your pool toys, pull out the kids…

  • homemade muffins

    Muffin Time!!

    I don’t cook and I don’t bake, it’s not because I don’t know how it’s because I don’t enjoy it. That being said there must be something in the air today because I woke up this morning in a creative mood, Pinterest calling my name. My mission today is to sneak healthy ingredients into my kids’ meals. Usually the only thing calling my name on a Sunday morning is coffee and maybe a bra; I’ll let you speculate which of the two I listen too. So while eating breakfast today Alice and I planned a week’s worth of breakfast and snacks, using a half-dozen very simple ingredients and recipes from…