• Reebok logo

    Back To School!! The First Grade Fashionesta!! #ClassicLeather #thisISclassic

    Do you hear that?  That is the sound of quiet!! The sound of SCHOOLs IN!! No more “I’m bored”. No more “I’m hungry” every 32.3 seconds. Just quiet. No more little Reebok (don’t forget to hit Rakuten first for extra discounts!) covered feet running from this corner to that corner.  It’s so nice!!  It’s so quiet I would really like to go take a nap! I have to admit, seeing the Kindergarten parents and Grandparents that I hung out with last year it felt like I was just there! In that moment it felt like summer was over too fast!  (I swear someone hit the switch and put my life…

  • Baby Care Essentials Giveaway From #thinkbaby

    Yes, Alice is six. Not technically a baby (okay NOT a baby at all, but I call my 37 year old son my baby… so… ya’know BABY!) Seriously, if you heard this kid talk you’d think she was 30! However, her skin is still very delicate. I want her skin protected and I don’t want a lot of chemicals on her skin either. thinkbaby products to the rescue.  From feeding items to baby bath products thinkbaby has wonderful products. Alice is a water baby. From the pool to the ocean to the bathtub.  Seriously, if I am tired of playing Barbies or LEGO Friends, I ask if she wants a bath.…

  • Labor Day clipart

    Happy Labor Day!

    Happy Labor Day!! Hopefully you are enjoying a relaxing day off!! Did you know?… Labor Day is an American holiday observed the first Monday in September. The state of Oregon was the first state to make Labor Day a holiday in 1887. Thirty states celebrated Labor Day before it became a federal holiday in 1894.