• To do list

    Time-Wasting Tasks Every Business Should Automate

    As all entrepreneurs should know, time is a valuable asset. Between endless to-do lists and constant fires, the workday can easily be consumed by the mundane, time-wasting tasks of business life. Your time may seem productive, but you’re doing barely enough to stay up and running. That’s why you must remove recurring tasks from your routine. While you can delegate some of this work, automation is an option too. With that in mind, here are six tasks that you can automate.  Job Recruitment Most business owners launch their ventures alone, but, at some point, they all need help. When this time comes, you’ll need to hire your first employee. Job…

  • Blog Schedule Blog letters

    6 Reasons Your Blog Isn’t Earning

    Whether we want to admit it or not, most bloggers would like to earn money from their work. You might not have gone into blogging to earn money. You might not even have realized that it was possible in those early days. But you’ll have since learned about bloggers who make a full-time living from their sites. Those that have become well-known offline and have their own range of merchandise. No matter how much you love writing, and your audience, chances are, you’d be happier if you were making money from it. So? Let’s delve into why your blog isn’t earning money every month. For some, the goal is a…

  • Money Making Tips Home office

    6 Easy Money Making Tips For Stay-At-Home Moms

    Being a stay-at-home mom means no less work than a working woman. In fact, you work long hours but never get paid, I have some easy money making tips for you. There is no worse feeling than the feeling you are not contributing financially. However, you may not be in a position to overlook your parental responsibilities. Still, it is possible for stay-at-home mothers to start something from home and make it into big business. All you need is a smart idea and spare time and you can have a big one up and running! The best part is that you have the option to earn even with zero or…