How to Recover from an Unexpected Accident
An unexpected accident can happen anytime, and when they do it’s easy for it to feel like your whole life has been turned upside down. If you live out in the countryside, or enjoy an active lifestyle, the risk of an accident occurring is even higher – whether it’s tripping over, falling off a bike, or even more dramatic possibilities like falling trees or danger from wildlife. It’s important to take care of yourself out there! Of course, injuries can happen to even the best of us, and sometimes there’s nothing you can do to prevent an accident – it’s just very bad luck. Injuries are commonplace; in the average…
Trail Cam Friday April 9
Well, trail cam Friday is NOT cooperating this week. The most interesting shot was this one! Ahhh the elusive UPS truck. Of course, turkey’s always want their pictures taken. So at least there is that………… All is not lost when I have my camera with me on my hikes. Soooooo here are a few shots I snapped this week as I hiked. Remember the wind storm that we had in March? We lost 30 some trees. BIG 70′ plus trees. To give you an idea of the size of roots I took a picture of my hand with the root. Seriously, the holes that these pulled up trees are DEEP!…
How To Heal Your Child’s PTSD After A Family Car Accident
In 2019 in the USA, 4,423,000 people sustained injuries that required medical attention, according to a preliminary estimate from the National Safety Council, and children who are in a family car accident need help to recover fully, including mental health support. There is more to healing than seeing the doctor, getting medical treatments and following self-care instructions from doctors. Some kids who have been in car accidents develop PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). They require emotional support from parents and caregivers and also need professional help to deal with their phobias, anxiety and fears. What Is PTSD, Anyway? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD for short) is a mental health issue that may impact children…
I’m At Home So I’m Gonna Decorate! #PhotoWALL #CouponCode
What do you do when your stuck at home? I thought I would clean. NOPE. Read? Nope. Decorate? YES!! I finally after 2 years have finished my gallery wall in the livingroom. I know that gallery walls aren’t for everyone, but much like my favorite symbol the !!!! I love a huge grouping of pictures. One if my favorite wall displays is in the livingroom. A picture of Alice top center surrounded by pictures I’ve taken from Yosemite to my own yard! Pictures from the trail cam, camera or even my phone. I had one spot that still needed something. I did have a framed watercolor picture in the spot…
April 5th, Sunday Prayer Requests – Post Here For Your Weekly Dose Of Support
I was so out of sorts last week that I totally forgot to write a prayer requests. This sheltering in place is such a weird time in our lives, I believe I can safely say we are all in a weird place! What better time to have a weekly prayer request? My friend Sonya at Sonya’s Happenings and I would love to welcome you to our Sunday Prayer Requests. I almost hate to call these a prayer request because it doesn’t have to be a prayer just send good thoughts, virtual hugs, warm thoughts, words of encouragement or prayers. This is just another good way for us to connect in this…
Trail Cam Friday
Moved the trail cam and STILL have boring photo’s. Except of course when The Husband and I were walking Bear and realized we were in front of the camera. TRUE wildlife RIGHT?!?!? Remember the to-do list I was so proud of??? Wanna guess how many things I have crossed off so far? Zip, zero, NADDA!!! So badly I wish that I wrote ‘print list’ cause I did do that and I could have crossed it off. Oh well. Next week maybe the trail cam will capture someTHING! Anything! Hope you are all well. Stay inside and go wash your hands.
$50 Your Way Giveaway! April 2020!
Here we are with another monthly giveaway. This month’s update though is gonna be super boring. Truly, with covid around, could our lives get any weirder?? This is like being sent to your room (which is where I always wanted to be anyway!). Going outside feels like I’m doing something wrong. (okay mostly it felt like I was in my own episode of the Walking Dead!) We did do a Walmart run for food on Monday and now we are settled in with supplies for at least the next month (if needed). Today (March 31st) it was easy peasy to stay home. It’s snowing BIG huge flakes of snow. I…