• Building Your Own Office Unique Office space

    What To Think About When Building Your Own Office

    When it comes to figuring out from where they should run their business, most entrepreneurs choose their home, a co-working space, or a traditional office. However, there’s much to be said for building your own office space. This will allow you to create a space in your image, which can help to solidify your company’s branding, and it can also be considered an investment. You won’t be paying rent when it’s your building! If you’re going to take this approach, however, then it’s important that you’re thinking all aspects of the process through carefully. In this blog, we’ll take a look at some of the key considerations.  The Location The…

  • dog in the park

    Small, Positive Changes You Can Make to Your Dog’s Lifestyle

    Every dog deserves the best. But what’s best for your dog’s lifestyle can change over time depending on their needs and preferences. It’s important to always re-evaluate what you’re doing and to meet your pup’s needs as best possible. At the end of the day, they’re a loyal companion, a bundle of love and entirely dependent on you for everything from food to exercise, attention and love. So, here are a few areas to focus on that could help to improve their day-to-day life! Switch Up Their Walk Routine is good for dogs – just as it’s good for everyone else. Getting your dog into a routine means they know…

  • Giveaway June Logo

    $50 YOUR Way #Giveaway June 2020

    Welllll it looks like someone didn’t remember that May had 31 days! I TOLD you that this stay home order has my mind turned to mush… (that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it) ANYWAY! The Giveaway is ready now. May was NOT a good month for our family. Both of my kids had 14-year-old dogs that unbeknownst to the other had to put their dogs down on the same day. That was a very emotional day all the way around. No Mom likes to hear their child cry and for some reason adult children crying makes my heart break. One week later The Husbands father passed away. We all…