• Expanding Your Brand Word BRAND

    Top Hints for Developing Your Brand

    It’s an exciting thing to do, starting a business, but there are so many decisions to make it can honestly feel so overwhelming. You have to consider the people you want to bring on board, the direction you want to go in, goals that you may have, the marketing you have to develop, it’s all a lot. A big part of starting a new business is also developing your brand, and it can be tempting to just think of something quickly and hope for the best. You have to put as much thought into your brand’s story and message as you did into the product or service itself, because if…

  • November Giveaway

    November 2022 $50 Your Way Giveaway

    Before I start the giveaway spiel here is my October recap. But first, do you realize that there are only 61 days left of 2022!?!? That can’t be right can it!?!  Yet Alexa tells me it’s true. That’s nuts! Time…. tooo fast! My October just flew by! Mostly because of a family tragedy, Son-in-Law Dan lost his Dad. I flew to California so that Dan could go be with his parents in Tennessee. Dan did make it there in time and now is with his Mom to help her through these first weeks. Although it was a sad reason to be in California I get to be with Alice for…

  • Managing Employees Going Back to Work After an Injury

    If you have ever been in the very unfortunate position of having an injury at work, then you know that there is a big challenge when it comes to returning and if you are managing employees in that position, it’s up to you to look after them. It’s not just the rigmarole they have to go through to get back into the office and do all the paperwork, make sure that the insurance forms are filled out, etc. It’s what you do to bring them back into a place that harmed them, even if it wasn’t anybody’s specific fault. Whether they are in a manufacturing environment or they are in an…