• Protect Your Home

    A Scrub A Day Keeps Corona Away: How To Effectively Clean And Protect Your Home

    Even with social distancing measures in place and washing our hands more frequently than ever before, Coronavirus is still a tricky opponent. Studies suggest that the COVID-19 virus can remain active on most surfaces for hours and even days. Therefore, the CDC strongly suggests cleaning is one of the most effective ways to protect your home from this invisible enemy. If someone in your house has contracted COVID-19 or was in contact with someone who has, cleaning can be the most effective way to protect your entire family. We asked the experts at C&C Cleaning to share a few tips on how to best protect your home from the terrifying…

  • Pandemic closed business

    3 Types Of Business Hit Hard By The Virus Pandemic

    It’s true to say that the coronavirus is going to have a tremendous impact on the world going forward. Nothing is going to be the same until there is a vaccine that has a lasting effect. While there is a hope that a vaccine could come as soon as the fall, it’s important to be aware that there is no guarantee. Even if it does, the way society views certain aspects of the world could definitely change. This means that businesses are under threat and certain ventures have become riskier than others. Let’s explore the ones that have been impacted the most.  Travel  Anything to do with travel right now…

  • Stay home

    How COVID-19 Can Help You To Prepare for The Future

    As the world is in disarray due to COVID-19 and the world governments think about whether they could have done something differently or been better prepared for this unexpected virus, this has also hit home with many individuals. People have either found themselves out of work, sick or suffering the loss of a loved one. This virus came out of nowhere and swept the world; it has made us realize that life is precious, time is short and that there are things we could do differently. If something else like this should happen in the future – be it a personal event or a global one, there are steps we…