• Folic Acid foods Avocados

    Foods that Make You LOOK Good!

    Don’t eat that! Eat This! Don’t eat this to look great. Want to look good? Eat this! For some reason, I feel like articles about what food to eat are getting more and more confusing? I once read that coffee is bad for our health, another article said it protects from type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease to name a few. Food is good. This is what it all comes down to, and we can still make it better by choosing carefully what we eat. The more we eat unprocessed, organic foods, the more we will reap the benefits of healthy food. Here are some of my favorites! Blueberries and…

  • Haper book cover

    Harper and the Night Forest By Cerrie Burnell

    I am all about NON candy Easter Basket Goodies. Thank you Cerrie Burnell for this adorable book!! The last thing that 6-year-old Alice needs is MORE energy!!  Seriously guys I can barely keep up as it is!!! Add sugar?! No! Well, okay maybe just before hand-off to the Momma and Dadda. (Insert evil laugh here!! Maybe a little hand clapping too….. I told you Selena there would be payback for your teen years; especially 13 through 15.  Sorry, that’s a whole different post). AS I was saying… I’m looking for Easter Basket items that aren’t candy. One of my very favorites are books. I love giving books. Every holiday. Every bribe.…

  • Spa ingredients Beauty Businesses

    3 Beauty Businesses that the Fashion Industry Cannot Survive Without

    The fashion industry across the globe is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Within the past few decades, it has become vast and dynamic in every way. The growth of the fashion and the beauty businesses can easily be attributed to advancements in communication technologies, greater freedom of media and its accessibility to the masses, increased awareness and the effects of globalization. All these factors have combined together to pave way for a number of fashion houses entering the international fashion circuit every day. The fashion industry is growing huge with time adding to the national output and creating more employment opportunities. When you think of the…