• Dopamine

    It’s Not You, It’s the Dopamine: The Science Behind Binge Eating

    Binge eaters deal with a lot of shame. Many often wonder why they can’t just have some willpower, ignore cravings, and lose weight. It gets worse when these binge eaters compare themselves to their friends who don’t binge. If some people don’t struggle with binge eating, why do others? It turns out that there’s a scientific reason for binge eating: dopamine. Resources like GoEatRightNow.com, scientific studies, and psychologists agree dopamine plays a key role in binge eating. Some people binge eat for the same reason that others smoke; Their brains are simply hardwired for it. It’s not a matter of willpower, so stop beating yourself up because you can’t “just” stop…

  • The Benefits of Walking

    Exercise has become popular over the past few years. There are many ways people are keeping fit. Walking, however, isn’t the first choice amongst Americans. Your selection of physical activities doesn’t have to be for long periods or intense, for you to benefit from it. Walking for thirty minutes a day carries plenty of advantages that contribute to your holistic well-being. Let’s look at a few of the benefits you can gain from this exercise: Weight Loss Walking might seem like a tedious movement with no real benefit. Losing weight is possible if you are intentional about your exercise and walk about 45 minutes a few days a week. The…

  • Fast Food

    Obesity: What next?

    Overweight and obesity are global trends affecting millions of people worldwide. Almost half the population of the United States has a bit of extra weight, while each third American has obesity. Many people believe obesity is just an aesthetic problem and do not realize its health complications. However, having trouble finding brands that fit your body is not a problem at all compared to the damage it does to your internal organs.  What is obesity? Obesity is commonly defined as having an excess of body fat. The commonly accepted way to tell if you are obese or not is by measuring your Body Mass Index, or BMI. If you are…