• Vegan lunch

    Adjusting Your Food Menu for Individuals with Celiac Disease

    When planning a food menu, it’s essential to cater to the dietary needs of all guests. This is especially true when accommodating people with celiac disease. This autoimmune disorder is triggered by gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and some other grains. If you’re aiming to create a meal that’s inclusive and delicious for everyone, understanding the basics of celiac disease and making informed food choices is paramount. As a cutting-edge food and menu planning platform, Vave has made it easier than ever to help hosts adjust their menus, ensuring that celiac guests can dine with confidence and enjoyment. Understanding Celiac Disease: Celiac disease affects around 1% of the global…

  • Third Trimester pregnant woman's belly

    What Can You Do To Help Make Pregnancy Easier?

    Pregnancy can be hard. Some women sail through, and other women struggle from around the 6 week mark. Some struggle intermittently with some days being okay and others being difficult, and some just find it really hard right up to the day that they give birth. Each woman’s pregnancy and birth is going to be unique just like them, so comparing your pregnancy to someone else’s is nothing but pointless. However, there are some times where you feel as though you’re going to give up, and we’re here to tell you that you’re not. Down below, we’ve come up with some of the things that you can do to make…

  • mentally healthy

    Six Signs That You Are Mentally Healthy

    It’s getting harder to stay calm in our world. The pressure of constant stress affects our reactions, sometimes we behave inappropriately, get hysterical, yell at children… Quite reasonably, the thought may creep in – is everything alright with me? If a lot of stress has just rolled over you lately, then you can take a break from it and have fun at home lying on the couch by visiting Bizzo Casino. Below are the markers of a mentally healthy person. If you can confidently say that you have them, relax – you are mentally healthy. Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence Self—esteem is an aspect that is talked about so much that it can…