How To Reduce EMF Radiation in Your Home
Discover practical steps to minimize EMF radiation in your home, from understanding sources to developing habits that can protect your family’s health.
Custom Envy
What is Custom Envy you ask? Only my favorite place on the net to design my own PERFECT phone case. But, not only can you get a phone case but also notebooks, blankets, clocks, just about anything you can customize you will find on Custom Envy! Y’all know me, I am obsessed with photography. My favorite subject of course being Alice (let’s not tell my kids!) I swear I would be happy as all get out if my daughter would send me a picture a day. I have digital picture frames that flash Al’s smiling face (okay, okay the entire family also flickers on screen) However, when I am out…
gocustomized Personalized Phone Case #GIVEAWAY!!!!! #gocustomized
OHMMMMGEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Wait till you see what I have for you today!! Let’s start out with a whine first shall we?? Yes, we shall. Why are cell phones so dang expensive?! Why must they make new models with features I MUST have!?! WHY!??! For the longest time I had a Samsung Galaxy S8. A perfectly lovely little phone. Took great pictures. Blah blah blah…. Then after several drop tests my perfectly lovely little phone said ‘screw you; I’m out.’ After dealing with crackling phone calls, calls that sounded like The Husband had locked me in a tunnel and a shattered screen I went phone shopping. Now, I know what you are…