• Custom Envy

    Custom Envy

    What is Custom Envy you ask? Only my favorite place on the net to design my own PERFECT phone case. But, not only can you get a phone case but also notebooks, blankets, clocks, just about anything you can customize you will find on Custom Envy! Y’all know me, I am obsessed with photography.  My favorite subject of course being Alice (let’s not tell my kids!) I swear I would be happy as all get out if my daughter would send me a picture a day. I have digital picture frames that flash Al’s smiling face (okay, okay the entire family also flickers on screen) However, when I am out…

  • Customized phone case

    gocustomized Personalized Phone Case #GIVEAWAY!!!!! #gocustomized

    OHMMMMGEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Wait till you see what I have for you today!! Let’s start out with a whine first shall we?? Yes, we shall. Why are cell phones so dang expensive?! Why must they make new models with features  I MUST have!?! WHY!??! For the longest time I had a Samsung Galaxy S8. A perfectly lovely little phone. Took great pictures. Blah blah blah…. Then after several drop tests my perfectly lovely little phone said ‘screw you; I’m out.’  After dealing with crackling phone calls, calls that sounded like The Husband had locked me in a tunnel and a shattered screen I went phone shopping. Now, I know what you are…