My Idaho Update
I know it’s been awhile since I have done an Idaho update especially the progress on the house. So; here goes! Get a cup of coffee and get ready for some whining! If you are new here; The Husband and I just moved from California to Sandpoint Idaho. It’s quite the change. From the people (who are SO NICE!!) to the weather! The last month has seen 100° + days (I didn’t think Idaho got this hot!) today is actually cool (downright chilly!) with heavy wind gusts that are bending the trees around our house. (Keep bending…. Please! No fall down. No fall into house. Please!) I decided that while…
How to Stop Snoring so You Don’t Scare Off Your Date!
So you’re out on a date and it’s going well. You’re talking about continuing back at your place, but you know you snore. You need some quick fixes so you don’t scare off your date. Don’t lose hope because there are some things you can do! Keep reading to see some of these tips! Open Your Nasal Passages The first quick fix to help stop snoring is to open up your nasal passages. Having obstructed passages can actually be one of the biggest reasons why you’re snoring in the first place. You don’t have to be sick to have this because some people are just born this way. There are…
How to Improve Your Following
Hashtags are a mainstream part of our social media culture nowadays. They filter media posts, linking those that share the hashtag to one another. Because users can click on the hashtag and be taken to a page that groups together all posts using that hashtag, they have become a valuable marketing tool for ecommerce businesses looking to improve your following and generate sales. Attract Customers Hashtags attract customers to your site, allowing them to learn more about you and your company’s backstory and become familiar with your product. The hope is that, once there, they will engage with your interesting content and eventually become a customer who returns time and…
How to Create a Long Term Career Plan Your Blog
We all dream about a better job or starting our own company, but only a few people dare to take the first step. One of the main reasons why they don’t is that they don’t see clearly what they need to do to get where they want to go. I have a few suggestions for a career plan your blog. Blogging is amazing way to spend more time with your family, earn more money, have the weekends off, or work flexibly, you will have to create a long term career plan. Below you will find a few tips on how to get started. Sit Down and Imaging Your Perfect Work…
Could Working From Home Be The Best Decision You Make For Your Family?
Usually, if you want to continue to work and make a decent living so you can support the people you love the most, you have to make a decision. Work, or family? Choosing work means you won’t be spending as much time with the people you love, although you may be bringing home more money and able to afford things like trips and fancy holidays. Choosing family means not missing the precious moments you might miss when sat behind your desk, but you likely won’t be able to enjoy the same quality of life and will need to make some sacrifices. Working from home could be the answer. However, more…
3 of the Best Inventions to Get Your Baby to Sleep!
Of every hurdle that you may face as a new parent, getting your baby to sleep at bedtime may be the hardest of them all. The amount of sleep your baby gets determines just how much you get. Lets talk about how to get your baby to sleep. Some babies can sleep under any condition and at any time, but it’s more common than not for infants to either have trouble falling asleep or problems with waking up in the middle of the night – or sometimes both. While there aren’t any magic wands you can wave to make your baby sleep, but there are many tools out there to…
How to Respond to Disobedient Children and Teens!
If you ask a seasoned parent about the most challenging phase of development, the might tell you it’s the teenage years. You were probably expecting a nod to the sleepless nights of infancy or the terrible twos, but those are a walk in the park compared to the rebellious teenage years. Disobedient children and teens are make you pull your hair out. From the time your child is born, you know your role. Keep this tiny human alive. Sure, it may get a little challenging when they first start exploring their world, but you’ve got this. Then come the teenage years. From about 13 to 17, it can seem like…
Ways of Dealing with Difficult Emotions as a Man
When it comes to men and their emotions, they are often expected to suppress them. However, irrespective of your gender, it is key that you’re able to talk about how you feel and effectively express yourself. Life comes with its ups and downs, and as a result, there are many different emotions that you’re going to need to learn to deal with. You can’t always control circumstances, but you can choose how you react and how you deal with the situation. On that note, this article is going to explore a few ways that you can deal with difficult emotions as a man. Know When to Ask For Help Sometimes,…