• No cheating!

    Today was so busy it was easy to stick to my diet. No cheating at all. Dinner was fresh watermelon and yogurt. I think I could eat watermelon every day and be a happy camper. Even though Monday is my late night, the Wii Fit sounded like fun, got everything all set up….. only to find out the batteries are dead….. (Do I have creative excuses not to exercise Monday nights or WHAT!!!!) But I did do some ab work so all is not lost.

  • Uncle!!

    The weekend is almost over and I can get back to the business of loosing weight!! I don’t know why this weekend was so much harder than most. I was lazy and hungry all weekend. Sooooooooo NOT good! I’m going to have to work hard straight thru till Wednesday just to stay even let alone show a loss. Do you think I could just NOT eat till Wednesday? Naaa me either.

  • Is it just me??

    Why are weekends so hard for me to eat right?? I want to eat from the time I wake up till I go to bed. I know I pig out because I’m bored. There is nothing to watch on TV. The dogs have all been walked. DH is already in bed. I could do an exercise DVD… but I don’t want toooooooo!! Instead I’m eating peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon!! WHAT is WRONG with this picture?!?!?!? I think I had better go to bed too before I blow this diet completely outta the water!