Pity party
I’ve had a bad week. I didn’t exercise like I should have. Actually, I didn’t exercise at all! That is so BAD for me!! And I paid for it to!! No weight loss and I was tired all the time!! (Okay saying it out loud is making me feel worse!!) In my perfect world I would have more energy if I slept in….. chocolate would be one of the 4 basic food groups too. (The big group!! I’m a greedy girl) But in the real world if I walk and sweat I have energy all day??! I sleep in? I drag all day. Shouldn’t I be tired AFTER I sweat…
I made it ALLLLLLL day without breaking ANYTHING!!! So I think I’ll go to bed early just to be on the safe side! Oh and thank you for keeping your fingers crossed about the car. The coolant thermostat went out and needed replaced. Not overly expensive…. but I really can’t afford to break anything else. (Good thing payday is soon!!)
It’s not what you think!
No matter what DH tells you I’m not doing it on purpose!! I did not make the old lap top a paper weight so I could have a shiny, new, perfect (very fast) laptop. Just like I did not break the car to get a new one….. If I was doing that I would have broken the cell phone not the car!!! I love my little car!! Okay it’s not broken exactly…. (I HOPE!! Please keep your fingers crossed!) so much as the check engine light came on during my drive home…. so tomorrow morning at 8am I’ll be sitting at the Audi dealership. Which means I won’t be walking…
Soooooo… I made a paper weight out of my old slow laptop and DH made my day by buying me a shiny new FAST FAST FAST laptop!! Wooo hoooo! I’m so excited. This little laptop is SWEEEET!!!! Yes, I know! I know!! You think I am SPOILED!! I prefer to think of it as very well taken care of! Now as far as exercise for the weekend…. shopping counts right?? Okay OKAY!! I’m off to do a work-out on the wii fit. MAN! You guys are STRICT!!!
uh ohhhh
Well, that 3 lbs paper weight formerly known as ‘Connie’s Laptop” is demanding to be factory restored. Working on this computer has sent me into eating non-stop! Granted it’s been better food than I would have chosen before. Almonds (Course probably NOT as many as I’ve eaten and by probably I mean WAY more than I should have) Grapes (good choice. Yea me??) Anyway, I’m still stuffing food in my mouth and growling at my laptop and hopefully I’ll be back up and working for tomorrow’s blog. Why can’t I be one of those people that lose weight when they are stressed? Instead I just want to EAT constantly?!?!
I am in SUCH A BAD MOOD!!! Whatever COULD go wrong HAS gone wrong. Starting with my laptop which is totally screwed up!! Seems someone (okay me… but lets not nit pick here) has pretty much created a 3 pound paper weight! I’ve worked hours on it… and I think made it worse by the minute. GRRRRRR!! Okay back to work on my fancy paper weight. (WOW!! Look at what I’ll do not to run at night!??!)
Where can I buy an extra 30 minutes??
Today was my weekly phone call with Tyler at WellStrong Fitness. Tyler instructions for this week are adding an extra 15 minutes a day to my walk. Since I’m on a time crunch in the morning (you should see me getting ready for work when I’m running on time….. 15 minutes behind?? Wellllll you may just want to get out OF MY WAY!!) So I’ll have to add a walk after work. (Not crazy about the idea but I know it will kick me back into weight loss……… so I’m going to do it). Tyler also says no starch for the week but add more lean protein. Good-bye oatmeal…….. hello…
Week 14
Yea yea yea….. I know I said I wasn’t going to weigh in today…. but I did it anyway…. it wasn’t as bad as I imagined it would be. I gained 1 pound. It could have been worse (ohhh it should have been worse! I had so much fun in Vegas!) So one pound not bad. (Still don’t like it!!) But now it’s back to work!!