• Cheating death

    Mostly I kept gasping out loud!  Thank you Barbara for sending this my way. Now I’m off to grocery shop at 8:00 at night. That store better be EMPTY!!!

  • BOOM!!

    Sooooo………. yesterday at work Barbara and I hear a boom.  A boom that sounded more like a Boeing 747 was falling from the sky than just a boom.  Like any self respecting Californian Barbara and I head outside.  (Yes, I’m one of those crazies on 4th of July and New Years Eve that goes outside when the local idiots shoot guns into the sky! What can I say… I’m nosy!)  This was no short boom it was long and drawn out, I can’t describe it well enough to convey the noise.  The only thing that comes close to the noise is a 747 that sounds like it’s going to crash in your backyard.  Seemed like the entire complex came outside to…

  • I kept waiting for the punch line tonight when Channel 10 news was reporting the weather.  The teaser before the commercial break said “Learn when the snow will arrive in Southern California after this break”  So I’m expecting the usual “we are trucking in snow to Sea World, Lego Land and the such for the kids to play in.  It happens every year.  But there was no punch line.  Basically the weather guys are telling us…… is I’m going to be LIVING IN SNOW AGAIN!?!?  SAY WHAAAA???  I moved from Colorado to get away from the snow… I do beach weather now…. I DO NOT do SNOW weather NO MO!!  Besides, I don’t want to scare anyone…