• Kitten’s and Baby Monkey’s

    Oh my gosh!!  Today’s post is a funny sent to me by a very dear friend.  This cracked me UP!!!!!!!!! So, there I was, just relaxing in front of the TV, when the grandkids yelled:  “Hey Grandpa, come see the kittens……………” Reading that reminded me when my oldest daughter Selena was little she came in the house  and asked for cookies to feed the baby monkey’s. Okay…… I put cookies on her little play dish set…. off she went. A little while later here comes Selena again ……. baby monkey’s need milk…………. okay……. put milk in the little teapot……. off she went. Next was clothes…… then a diaper……. finally after about the 10th trip…

  • Clint Perry & Boo Hoo Crew & Quail Gardens!!

    I’m super excited to tell you about this giveaway!!  It’s only for Peanut Butter and Whine followers!  WOOO HOOO!   All you have to do is bring the most people to see Clint Perry & the Boo Hoo Crew on June 21, 2012 from 6:30 to 7:30 for the performance at the San Diego Botanic Gardens in Encinitas, CA. Wanna know what you will win??  1 Boo Hoo Crew T-shirt,  1 CD,  1 Waterbottle 1 Pack Rat Pat book 1 Pack Rat Pat t-shirt   All that just for bringing the most  guests!!   Write your name and the names of everyone in your group on a paper and give to Clint or…

  • Clint Perry & The Boo Hoo Crew CD Giveaway!!

    Baby Alice and I belong to San Marcos Babies Crawl Rattle ‘n Roll.  A couple of weeks ago Miss Amy planned a wonderful Mother’s Day Celebration and for the entertainment?? Clint Perry & The Boo Hoo Crew. OH MY GOSH!!  Talk about great entertainment!! Clint had a room full of mesmerized tots!!  Alice was in AWE!!  Watching the little faces light up you couldn’t help but smile. Clint Perry & The Boo Hoo Crew is engaging fun. Clint draws in the toddlers, babies and us adults too. The room is full of kids swaying and dancing, wearing hats, holding stuffed animals and the whole time Clint is laughing, singing, playing the guitar…