Signing Time on Demand Review
Signing Time on Demand is amazing!! During the last week at Yosemite, I took along my laptop specifically for the Signing Time on Demand app for Alice. She is mesmerized by Rachel Coleman!! Rachel Coleman is cheerful and engaging! Alice will watch the video over and over. As a matter of fact, the first night of the Yosemite trip we stayed in a hotel. Alice was still wired from being in a car seat all day so I clicked open the Signing Time on Demand and Alice was totally entertained!! We watched the video three times in that sitting alone! I’ve been teaching Baby Alice signing for toddlers and…
I’m Baaaaccck!!!
Yosemite is AMAZING!!! I had a great time!! I learned a few things about camping and hiking!! First….when Selena and Dan say a hiking trip…. they mean hiking. There is no drive to this place then HIKE up this mountain… they mean… hike from the camp site to the mountain and THEY will NOT come back later and pick you up!!! Next a 35 year old sleeping bag is NOT the sleeping bag to take to YOSEMITE in MAY!!! It is not warm enough for 20 to 40 degree nights. NO NO NO!! (BUT, if you make an excuse about the baby being too cold and insert her into the…
NO!! NO NO NO!!!
This just gives me goosebumps!! AND all over body shudders!!
In the house… with a CAR?!?!
If I Didn’t Have a Dog…… or a Cat
If I Didn't Have A Dog...Or Cat...... I could walk barefoot around the yard in safety. My house could be carpeted instead of tiled and laminated. All flat surfaces, clothing, furniture, and cars would be hair-free. When the doorbell rings, my home wouldn't sound like a kennel. When the doorbell rings, I could get to the door without wading through allthe fuzzy bodies who beat me there. I could sit on the couch and my bed any way I wanted, without having to takeinto consideration how much space several fur bodies need to get comfortable. I would have enough money, and no guilt, to go on a real vacation.I would…
Dogs, Ball & Underwater Camera!! AMAZING!!
Well, this post was a bust…. no photos showed up and of course I already deleted the email with the pictures. Sooooooooooooo when I find those pictures again I will re-post. A FAMOUS PHOTOGRAPHER IN CALIFORNIA DECIDED TO TAKE A FEW OF HIS FURRY FRIENDS, A BALL AND A HIGH RESOLOUTION UNDERWATER CAMERA, !!!HERE ARE THE RESULTS ENJOY!!!
Dog-Show!! Featuring Rescue Dogs!!
Say whaaaaaa???
I want to find my son Zachary right this minute and smack him in the head just because if I found him doing any of these I’d ground him and SMACK him!! I don’t care if he is 32!!!