• sandal

    Why is wearing high heels not always such a good idea?

    Many women feel the need to wear high heels regularly; especially if they need to make up for a lack of inches in height. If you are a regular wearer of high heels, have you ever considered the damage you could be doing to your body? In this article, we are going to talk about this damage. We do not expect you to stop wearing high heels as a result, but we hope that you consider putting some of our advice to good use. The pain of wearing high heels No-one likes to be in pain; it’s not pleasant. Wearing high heels often can cause you to be in pain…

  • Bohemian bracelet

    Embrace YOUR Bohemian Spirit at UNICEF.com!

    I’m getting close to the big 60! HOLY GUACAMOLE BATMAN!! SIXTY?!? As in SIX ZERO?! When and how the DUCK did that happen?!!?  A little side note here…. I texted my sister about the final episode of Walking Dead Season 7 and well, my prim and proper phone changed my colorful language to DUCK!! So now I can use the word “DUCK” around 5-year-old  Alice and not be worried she will pick up any bad habits from The Non. And on that same side note…… did you SEE the ending?! Did you SEE it coming?! ‘Cause I did NOT!! Okay, where was I going with this? Oh yeah…. sixty. 1…