• We Are Safe!

    The Lilac Fire is the one closest to my house is now 60% contained. So, hopefully by morning…….. Although it is HOT and dry here and WINDY as all get out. But, better. I will take better. However, my cold has taken a drastic turn for the worse! Seriously, I didn’t think it could get worse. I was wrong. I’ll be back.  

  • Snow man clip art

    Preventing Family Weight Gain This Winter!

    Ah winter. The fresh air, chilled, crisp wind, occasional snow. All you want to do is cuddle up with your family in front of the fireplace with a big blanket with bowls of buttered popcorn and a fun series flowing one after the other on Netflix. In this weather it is so easy to get caught up with eating and consuming tons of warm food and beverages – like hot chocolate! It’s so easy for the whole family to put on weight during the winter because, well, it’s not that great stepping out into the chilly weather. Big hearty stews, extra large pizzas, macaroni-and-cheese. That’s what winter is about right?…

  • Confused baby clip art

    My Sunday Update!

    We are still in standby mode for the fires here in the San Diego County. Our fire is named the Lilac fire. My house is right on the Bobier line. SOoooooooo do we stay or do we go? Should I stay or should I go… oh great NOW that song is going through my head!! I was certain we were in the clear Saturday morning. Nothing but blue skies….. now? Back to smelling smoke and white skies everywhere. It’s still 90 degrees outside and REALLY dry. So the car is still packed and we are glued to the tv. Mostly I want a nap. I hope you are having a…