• Stretching Your Household Budget money symbols

    Tips For Stretching Your Household Budget To The Max!

    Managing your household budget is never easy, especially when you’ve got kids that constantly need new clothes, shoes and gadgets. As the United Way ALICE Project reveals that 43% of American families can’t afford basic amenities such as rent and food, it’s a worrying time for many households in the country. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel as not only is it easy to make cash from your home, but these top tips will help you in stretching your household budget more effectively. Avoid bank fees  Why pay your bank to keep hold of your cash when there are plenty of alternatives out there? Fees at traditional banks have increased rapidly…

  • Memorial Day Logo

    Memorial Day! Remember and Honor!

    Memorial Day a time to remember and honor. Memorial Day is one of the federal holidays in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. It is observed on the last Monday of May. Memorial Day is also considered the unofficial beginning of summer in the United States. I hope you enjoy a long weekend wherever you are.  

  • Sunday’s Remodel Update!

    Here is my question for the day. Does a remodel ever go smooth and easy? We’ve hit delay after delay. Snag after snags then add a few more snags. We ordered new carpeting the beginning of April. Granted it’s a LOT of carpet so it had to be ordered. Then this week the carpet arrived. YEAH!!! But, nooooooo because NOW they decided that we need to do an asbestos on the bathroom floor tile. (hold your ears….) )@$@*($@O(&%@% why couldn’t you tell us that when we order the )@&$@((@((* carpeting?!?!? So we send off the tile scraping to the governmental agency. Tile in all the bathrooms fine. Except the bathroom…